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break free from confinement or control.


Yoongi woke up groaning from the aching and excruciating pain that his body was in, something no one should ever experience

He couldn't really move since his lower half felt as it was numb. The cuts on his arms weren't treated and so they stung

He cried a silent stream of tears, all he could do was lay where he was at without moving. As much as he wanted to even sit up it'll hurt too much

No I've been here for to long, I have to go

Yoongi was frustrated but he couldn't show it, he wanted to pull his hair and yell but... He just couldn't

This was actually his perfect chance to leave the house, call the cops and report a file since Namjoon wasn't there

But there was definitely something fishy about Namjoon leaving Yoongi upstairs when he was gone but Yoongi didn't question it, he wanted to go

He's been waiting for so long to plan his escape and his chance was now

He cursed as he was beginning to sit up trying his best not to mind the pain and take his chance to run

He then got up painfully slow and took his time walking over to Namjoons wardrobe

If he was going to escape he most definitely was not going to go naked

He opened the wardrobe taking out a black long-sleeve turtleneck, boxer shorts, some shorts because those Jeans were most likely to not fit him due to the height difference, and sneakers

He debated on whether he should take a shower or not, he felt really dirty and he didn't want to go outside feeling and looking the way he did

A quick shower wont hurt

Yoongi, as quick as he could, hopped in the shower hissing at the water that touched his cuts, he carefully washed his body and got out changing into the clothes he picked out before getting out

He check the time, It didn't take him that long, but as he walked out the room he could hear his heart beating out his chest

What if he catches you then what? You're gonna be fucking dead

What if he's on his way home? Then what

Yoongi's head raced with a bunch of thoughts and questions, yes he was scared out of his mind but if this was his only way he'll definitely take it

Yoongi carefully walked downstairs, he started shaking

It'll be ok, It'll be ok, you won't get caught

He kept thinking to himself to say calm as his hand went towards the backdoor knob

He opened the door getting a wif of fresh air, his eyes slightly starting to water

No not yet, don't cry

Yoongi wiped his tears and walked outside closing the door behind him, he looked around and found an alleyway

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