The case (2) part 1

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*A week later* (in Chloe her room)phillip:and then what happend *he layes with his head on Chloe her legs* Chloe:it was so cool she was shooting like a uhm .. nvm she was really good at shooting! I wish I could shoot for once phillip:well let's not do that because you would shoot everyone your to excited I meen your already lucky you got this jub at your age Chloe:your right.. hey can I ask you something? *phillips does his head away from her legs and sits normal* phillip:yeah about what? Chloe:about what happend when you know you were with that monster phillip:oh well I don't like to talk about it it's just it happend and we are moving on Chloe:yeah but- phillip:you know I'm just gonna get something to drink you want something? Chloe:no I'm oke phillip:oke then *he runs downstairs to get something to drink* Chloe:well he definitely doesn't want to talk about it what I understand but it's just phillip:just what? *phillip scared chloe* Chloe:god jeez you scared me phillip:oh I'm sorry didn't mean too Chloe:it's oke phillip:fine yes I'm trying to ignore what happend even tho I can't it's a pretty bad part of my life Chloe:please will you anwser my question then phillip:fine Chloe:cool oké well first question! When i was falling from the boat where did you go? Phillip:well it wasn't that monster who was in the boat I meen it had normal legs and normal hands and not creepy it was normal person Chloe:really? Phillip:yup Chloe:you never told this phillip:didn't knew it was a very important part Chloe:Phil! It meens that something else helped the monster and maybe killed the rest of the people too and brought it to the monster t-to feed it we got a new case! Phillip:I got more if you wanna know Chloe:yes tell me phillip:it could be me or the grandpa or the crazy woman Chloe:was definitely not you Phillip:no that's right then just the grandpa and the woman Chloe:but why do you keep calling the man grandpa phillip:he couldn't talk anymore and I was pretty sure he was a grandpa we never knew his real name Chloe:no I do it's Daniel phillip:how do you know? Chloe:not important you said 'we' right who is we? Phillip:me and grandpa and crazy woman and Natasha Chloe:there was a Natasha? Phillip:yeah that young girl who got killed before you came Chloe:She was running away from something phillip:you sure her name was Natasha yurm Chloe:now I'm pretty sure yeah I read the papers oke she was running away from something like 8 years ago well they thought she died they never found her phillip:w-what.. Chloe:no but something weird is going on with this story phillip:she wasn't always there only always when that crazy woman wasn't around Chloe:wait did you see her die? Phillip:thank god no! The grandpa I mean Daniel was writing that she might was running away again she always said I need to go home to go home Chloe:we got to find her and we got too know more about this Natasha girl phillip:wait are you leaving? Chloe:got some work to do phillip:don't leave! *he grabs her hand* Chloe:what is going on with you lately phillip:I- Chloe:oh that's why your always around isn't it .. your scared to be alone now phillip:maybe.. just last time you left me it got me Chloe:it could also got me or even my father phillip:is this coming of in a cheesey way? Chloe:no I totally get it really but you will be fine oke and if something happend call right away just send me a message every 1 minute oke and if you don't I know something is going on phillip:oke I promise Chloe:good oké bye bye phillip:bye bye *she walks away* *the closet opens* woman:you need ssst *she does her cold finger on his mouth* phillip:I didn't told where you were woman:I'm no ghost I'm no ghost! Phillip:I know we weren't talking about you but about Natasha woman:Natasha? There no Natasha never been Natasha *phillip closes his eyes for a sec and sees that all this time that Natasha was the crazy woman* woman:why your scared? Phillip:your Natasha! woman:I don't have name my name is Natasha phillip:that's what I said so there were only 3 people there woman:he said let me take you for a joyride I was running through the parking lot he grabbed my hands and pushes me down *she shakes* phillip:you said that a lot are you trying to say something woman:he took the words right out of my mouth-mouth my mouth phillip:I should call Chloe *woman kicked his phone out of his hands* woman:NO CHLOE phillip:I-I'm sorry woman:Chloe is danger if she knows you only know you shush *she putted her hand on his mouth* phillip:so your wait how old are you? Woman:he said you like my cookies i made just for you a lot of sugar but more poison in too phillip:o-oke that's not a good anwser *she comes closer to his face* phillip:oke im scared what is she trying to do with Phillip? What is she hiding for Chloe? Weird... (at police station) ella:hey partner what's up there are no cases why are you here? Chloe:guess who finally talked ella:Phillip talked about it! What did he say *chloe told everything what phillip told her* ella:holy sh*t this story never ends does it Chloe:no but he is hiding more from me but I'm not gonna let him talk if he doesn't want too it's pretty hard for him I'm just happy he is still alive! So it's good I putted a microfoon underneath the table so it will tape everything even after I left ella:smart! Ken:your back.. Chloe:yes is that a donut? Ken:yeah? *chloe grabs it out of his hands and eats it* Chloe:we got more about the case of the monster ken:what now donut thief *he looks mad* Chloe:*laughs* phillip finally talked *she explains what phillip told her* hello yes can we go back to phillip I wanna know what happend! Helloooooo oh good thank u (at Phillip) phillip:oké Uhm while your going to my face your eyes are turning bigger it's .. w- woman:what ? *she sits normal again* phillip:nothing I will just text my friend woman:who? Cheater! Phillip:no no don't be mad oké woman:no mad anymore phillip:good *he texted Chloe and he said chocolate cake*why would he say chocolate cake is he hungy after this woman wanted to kiss him really phillip? (at police station) ken:f*ck I wish this was over already Chloe:believe me we all want it too be *ken steals the donut again* ken:pff I'm faster ella:anyways let's go to search this crazy woman first *chloe gets message from phillip and she reads it* Chloe:we have to go now! Ken:but I'm not done with eating! Chloe:it's phillip he is in danger he said chocolate cake it's our danger word well that makes more sense, ken:you guys have a crazy friendship *ella slaps him and pulled him with them* ken:well auw! Wait was that it I CANT WAIT FOR THIS LONG ITS SO EXCITING.. well alright then I can wait it better comes tomorrow

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