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Right now... We are eating some delicious food that they prepared. All of them are talking about some stuffs while me eating while talking with Hana, I didn't feel much bored  because she is fun to be with.

“Uhm..Y/n?” a voice said and I turned to that person and see that, It was Mrs.Park

“Yes? Auntie...” I said drinking an amount of water before giving my fully attention to her

“If you don't mind asking...Do you have a boyfriend?” she smiled and all of the guy's attention was all on me

“i don't have one..” I smiled awkwardly

She looked at me a lil bit shocked.

“Really? I don't believe you” she shake her head in disbelief

“Believe me Auntie... I don't have one” I smiled assuredly

“Do you have Ex-boyfriend then?” she asks again.

I pressed my lips into thin line

“I have one...” i replied and they gasped

“Who's that lucky guy!!” Hobi exclaimed

I scratched my head and let out a awkwardly chuckled and said “UhmmM... I don't wanted to talked about it”

I can feel that Jungkook's looked at me. And I just completely ignored it;

“Awww, don't worry Sweetie. There are some boys out there. Like them” she gestured the rest of the guys

“And my Son...” she slightly laughed and I scoffed

Jimin looked at me with a disgust on his face. So I did...

Like the hell? Who wanted to be with that Dickhead anyways?

Ooh! I have one in my mind...

His sluts of course—

“He is not my total type at all” I heard Jimin say

“Neither did I?” I shot back

He just glared at me...

“I'm willingly to date any guys or even one of the rest of them—” I paused

“Except for him...Auntie” I said eyeing Jimin and giving my fake smile to Mrs.Park

“Like I care? Who even wanted to date an Annoying and crazy girl like you?” Jimin scoffed

While the next thing happened—

NamJoon, SeokJin,Yoongi,Hobi,
Taehyung raised their hands

“What?” Jimin asks in confusion didn't understand what's happening...

“We are willingly to date a girl like her!” they said in Unison and I chuckled softly because of the way how they're responding...

I raised my eyebrows and smirked at him

“This is crazy” Jimin muttered and stood up from his seat leaving us.

“Don't mind him..” Mrs.Park chuckled and we continued eating

° · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · °

“Let's not forget the the one who reject Jungkook's proposal” Taehyung exclaimed

And I pretend to played with my phone while listening on their talks

“Jungkook is so much depressed later that day...” Hobi said with a sighed

“...we didn't even have a chance to meet her and get to know her” SeokJin said drinking the glass of the remaining wine on his hands

“The girl is so lucky to have Jungkook.. but she just break up with him with a stupid reason?” Yoongi scoffed and I gulped hardly

I immediately stood up and go outside to take a fresh air. But when I stood up I met Jungkook's face

I looked away and excused myself...

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · °

As I got outside of the house walking around till I found a perfect spot to went to. I saw Jimin sitting on the ground eyeing the sky


I walked towards him and joined him

“What are you doing here. And why are you following me.” he coldly said

I rolled my eyes “I'm not following you. I wanted to take some fresh air and found a perfect place to go and I exactly
spotted you” I explained seated beside him but with a space between us.

“I'm sorry for my behavior earlier..” I break the silence and apologize to him



Until I heard a faint chuckles from him.

I gazed at him and saw him smiling a bit

“It's alright... Doll face” he said

And I immediately glared

“Dickhead” I muttered

“Yah I heard that!” he finally looked at me

“Good for you” I giggles

“it's my first time having a nice talked with you tho.” he said out of nowhere

I hummed in response

“Tell me since when did you hate me? It's like you hated me for your whole life” he scoffed

“In my first day, Yesterday.....remember? You're acting so jerk after all and not to mention.. you have a bad mouth” I replied

“Ooops— I'm sorry for that Missy~” he chuckled softly


So can we be friends at least? I wanted to have a good terms with you”

And I shake my head as a No

“Nope.. thanks for the offer but I promised to myself that I'll avoid you as much as possible and as much as I can” I smiled and he crosses his arms

“Why?” he asks with a confused face

“You're a Playboy.. and second you're a definition of a Fuckboy , I guess the half of the girl student in the University are on your list and you dated all of them” I sighed

“I think... Not just half? your countings are wrong.” he shrugged calculating some of his sluts in his mind. feelings a much bit proud of that

I scoffed on his response

“See? You're a total jerk” I replied hit

“Aish. I can't do that to you okay? As I
said you're not my type. If I played you surely my Hyung's will killed me”

“oooh sure” I said sarcastically

“Are we friends now?” he said and I looked at him blinking his eyes multiple times

That's so cute—

Wait what?—

He is not! Okay Y/n?!

I cleared my throat and said

“Fine.. but I have a rule”


𝐁𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐈𝐍 𝐊𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐀 || 𝐏.𝐉𝐌 ☽︎𑁍︎ [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now