Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Brezniczky

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1# Thou who reads this, shall smile seeing what I did with the title.

2# The fourth wall shall come crumbling down from now on from time to time. 

3# When no one finds their words a book of the reality shall come in handy.

Crowley speeded down the roads of London well over 90 miles per hour. He wanted to see his angel. After the walk in the park he decided, that no matter how pathetic it sounds, he will go see the angel with some excuse. The city's blurred picture was speeding by the windows, as he thought about excuses. Should he invite him for a lunch? He never eats, only when the angel asks him to taste something, and the angel probably ate something by now. It was half past one. Then, he wanted to get him some of his gardening books. It was bullsit. He knew everything about plants. He was there when each one of them was created. He even helped in some before the loss of his grace. What should he say?

This was the thought that ran through his head the moment he knocked on the shop's closed door. There was the sign hanged out to the front door that he was closed. Just after he convinced himself that the other wasn't in the shop, the door opened. 

"Crowley?" Aziraphale smiled at the demon. 

"Of course it's me. Who did you think it is on a Friday afternoon? Nobody reads anymore, thanks to TV, Phones, and one of my favourite evil doing, wattpad. Thousands of well read teenagers are now stuck at home reading that orange website and it's fanfictions."

"We both know, you didn't do that." Aziraphae smiled at Crowley as he stepped out of the way. "Do you want some cake? I have some in the back."

Crowley walked into the store for the first time since the apocalipse, granted that he was in his own vessel.

"I was thinking about something stronger. Some alcohol?" he asked, as he looked around in the cozy litte shop of his friends.

"Those beverages are also in the back." the blonde man answered as he closed the door with his key. He didn't want anyone interrupting this little surprise of his. No human costumer or other entity shall see the two of them drinking together. Not heaven, even after everything that happened. 

Soon, Crowley came back with as many bottles of wine as he could carry.

"Are you plannning on drinking everything I have? Is there something wrong?" Aziraphale asked worriedly as Crowley placed everything down. He looked at the angel not really knowing what to say. He took all of this as an inspiration on what to say, but nothing came to hins mind. Instead he just opened and shut his mouth like a fish on the shore. 

"Crowley... Is there?" now the angel was really worried. Of course he felt his best friend was worried when he came into the shop, as he felt the feelings around him, but usually it wasn't something the other couldn't talk about. 

"I am in fact planning on drinking a lot. But no, nothing in paricular is bothering me at the moment. To be honest, I think there might even be something to celebrate. I just have to figure out what it was."

The angel know well enough Crowley, that he didn't ask anything more. Just sat down next to his table while grabbing one bottle of the table. "And why did you decide to surprise me with your presence. I'm not complaining, don't get this the wrong way. I just didn't expect you here."

The two man stood there in silence for a moment. It was all awkward. It was wrong on so many ways. The so much unsaid words, the untold feelings, all the longing for the lost 6000 years hung in the air between them like some wall, that instead of pulling the two closer than ever, pushed them away from each other.

Crowley took a bottle from the table and laid down to the couch with his legs hanging down from the side. 

"Is this your idea of a warm welcome to a friend?" he asked as he poured some of the red liquid into his glass. It was the same red like that apple many many years ago. It stirred up memories in the man. 

"No. I was just curious. That's all. But I'm happy to see you here. I thought you might be interested in some reading with me. Now, that you are freed from being a nanny, and got a little bit more space to move around." Aziraphale suddenly put his hand on his mouth like he tried to catch what he just said. "Oh, dear, I'm sorry, I didn't mean like you are abadoned by hell or anything like that." the red haired demon didn't take it  that way. In fact he found cute how the other didn't found his words either.

"I'd like that." Crowley smiled, and put his glasses down at the table. Around the angel he didn't have to hide his brimstone eyes. He watched as his friend struggled to open the book at the beginning, then, when the angel could finally open the book at the beginning, he just let himself get lost in the other's soft voice. He had always known his feelings towards the angel. Aziraphale tempted him. Temped to be a little bit better, but temted him phisically too. He had always wanted to kiss the other's rosy cheeks, and he had always wanted to do things, that the other would never let him to. And it was some kind of a bad idea also. He was a fallen angel. If anyone, heaven or hell would find out about his thoughts, they would make sure to avoid the earlier mishap with the holy water. But my Satan, you couldn't imagine what Crowley felt as he listened to that sweet voice of his friends. When he finished reading the Foreword, he started at the beginning. 

"It was a nice day. 
 All of the days had been nice. There had been rather more than seven of them so far, and rain hadn't been invented yet. But clouds massing east of Eden suggested that the first thunderstorm was on it's way, and it was going to be a big one." The angel stopped reading to get lost in the nostalgic memory.

"Crowley dear do you remember that storm? It was so new, and so exciting. It still is so beautiful. Like we are still in the Garden of Eden."

"All I remember is that I didn't know if God wanted to destroy all of his fallen angels with it or not. There was a good chance of me dying right there and then." the serpent-kind man hissed at the other.

"Now-now, you know I shielded you from the rain. But it was splendid. A new feeling I have never felt until then."

"And yet you failed to wait it out to stop, and went down to the garden to shield yourself from the rain too." the other laughed.

"It was a weird sensation getting wet for the first time, and I don't see, why should I soak myself even if it's the first storm ever." the angel defended his point of view.

Crowley laughed at the angel. One can only guess if it was the early sympthom of the consumed alcohol, or just the joyous feeling he got around the angel. The angel after a brief moment joined in into the laughing, so it was probably already the half empty bottle of wine, that got the two of them laughing.

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