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annie had fallen asleep on my chest, i could feel her breathing becoming heavier and heavier. i kissed her nose, laughing as she squirms closer and closer, it was as if she was attached to my chest. 

i lifted her head up and placed it on the pillow, making my way out of the bed and putting the laptop back on her desk. being as quiet as i could, i opened the window and climbed out just in time before lilia came and checked on her. 

stuffing my hands in pocket and keeping my head down i head to the nearest convenience store. i only have a ten dollars so i bought a pack of gummy worms, one pack of sour patch kids, and two root beers for annie and i. 

meet me in the park at 12

i headed home and changed into a green hoodie, black converse, and white ripped jeans.  i was about to prepare a little picnic for annie and i when my phone dinged.

which park ash? there are like seven just in my area.


nevermind i'll pick you up in my car, just go somewhere where your friends don't see you

ok boomer see you in thirty minutes?

yep, in thirty now i got to go, wear something casual!

ok ash

i ran downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a picnic basket. i grabbed a box of cookies from my favorite bakery along with fruit salad, two turkey sandwiches with mayo, lettuce, and tomato, utensils, a picnic blanket, the root beers, and the candy. taking my laptop with me to watch t.v with annie

i drove to the forest a few minutes away from my house and drove to annie's quickly. "hey pumpkin."  i greeted her, she waved and jumped into the car. "you know you could've open the door like a normal person." she sighed and buckled her seat belt, "why would i? normal is boring, plus you have no roof, when opportunity knocks i let him in." i laugh and start to drive to a deserted forest. 

"wow it's so pretty! why are we here though." i held up the picnic blanket and set everything up. "so what do you want to watch?" "sonny with a chance!" i furrowed my eyebrows, "what is that?" she laughed and pulled up sonny with a chance season two episode six.  

I laughed so hard at the clip she showed me and she played the first episode. we laughed and talked and really got to know eachother. by the time we headed back it was around ten o'clock and we had just finished season one of sonny with a chance and tomorrow we were going to start season two. 

"bye angel!" she hugged me before leaving the car. annie is really cute- i mean- um.. yeah hehe just ignore that, ok? 

A/N I am so so so so soooo sorry! but here is another chapter finally. thank you for all my readers and i've gotten so many notifications of people adding my story to reading lists, voting on them, and so much more! also if you don't know what the clip was it was a sketch in a show called 'sonny with a chance' it cracks me up and to all of you who know what that is i love you! <3 i'll update again soon! hope you are enjoying my story!

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