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suddenly, ahseol broke apart from the last moments of jimin's smile. raising her hands to her cheeks, she noticed her face stained with tears.

"ahseol! you're awake." her sister came into her room, holding a plate of freshly peeled fruits.

ahseol shook her head before commenting, "aren't you getting married to jimin right now!? why are you here!?" ahseol's hands hovered over her sister's, who squinted her brows in confusion.

"i'm already married." ahseol's sister raised her hand, showing off the diamond ring lying on her fourth finger.

ahseol forced a smile after seeing the ring. the concerns of a sister should not involve with a married couple's.

"sister. congratulations."

her sister smiled before picking up an apple and placing it at the tip of her lips. "thank you lil sister. anyways, you fell into a deep slumber sleep and was crying continuously. what happened?"

suddenly, two knocks on the door slammed away the saddening thoughts of ahseol's.

"honey, is that you?" her sister spoke up before ahseol begun to freak out.

"j-JIMIN's HERE!?" ahseol pushed her sister and the plate of fruits aside and ran into the bathroom, turning on the sink's tap. her hands washing away the tear stains and brushing away the hair knots.

her sister furrowed her brows before looking at her with an estranged look. "why are you so scared? is my husband that scary?"

ahseol stopped her panick after hearing her sister's words. my husband.

ahseol looked at her sister, "yes i am. i'm still scared that it may still be a nightmare."

"honey." suddenly a male voice entered the room.

"MY HUSBAND IS HERE!" her sister's joy ran into the arms of a male and ahseol looked out from the bathroom.

the backside of the male resembling much of jimin's. "jimin.."

"so jungkook. have you met my sister?"

ahseol's eyes diverted back at the couple when her sister mentioned jungkook

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ahseol's eyes diverted back at the couple when her sister mentioned jungkook.

"well, you haven't introduced us." jungkook turned around to meet with ahseol. ahseol's eyes fell when she noticed it was not jimin standing infront of her.

"ahseol, this is my husband, jungkook. and kook, this is my baby sister, ahseol."

the two greeted one another before ahseol became estranged. yet having no ideas of what happened, she ran to her sister.

"where's jimin?"


suddenly, the quiet footsteps of a heavy body made its way up the stairs.

"did someone call for me?"

jimin entered the room as the room silenced

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jimin entered the room as the room silenced. ahseol's eyes swelled up with tears as jimin stood infront of her holding the same gentle smile she saw in her dreams.

"j-JIMIN!" ahseol ran towards jimin and hugged him. jimin stepped back from the heavy weight which jumped on him, causing his to lose balance and stumble to the floor.

"jimin! why are you here!? why!?" the girl's tight hug on his shirt loosened when tears fell down her delicate cheeks.

"ahseol? why are you crying?" her sister asked before pulling her away from jimin's shirt

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"ahseol? why are you crying?" her sister asked before pulling her away from jimin's shirt. "you fell into a deep slumber sleep, cried for nights and now you're hugging a stranger!?"

ahseol's tears halted, "i fell into a deep sleep?"

"yes! you wouldn't wake up no matter what!"

ahseol looked back up at jimin, with tears still rolling down her cheeks. "it was a dream all of this time?" jimin slowly smiled at the girl before placing his hands over her head.

"you were probably having a nightmare." his warm hands slowly warmed her heart that she had long kept away from this heat.

jungkook cleared his throat before hinting jimin to remove his hands off of his sister in law. "jimin! she's my sister in law!"

jimin and ahseol's sister laughed. "alright." removing his hands from her head, ahseol longed more for his affection.

"well. ahseol, this is jimin. he's a good friend of mine. and jimin, this is ahseol, my wife's sister."

"hi.. ahseol." jimin pulled out his hands for a handshake and ahseol stuttered. "h-hi." a faint red blushed over ahseol's cheeks before she shook onto his hands.

"i'm ahseol and my dreams came true."



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