My Mother

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My mother's body is killing itself

Choking itself of its strength

She caught it, they fought it

But still it destroys the only home

That her soul could ever have

I know she will go bald

She will be weak and tired

But she will make it

Because she is strong

We will be there for her

Cancer can not take this life

Even when it threatens my grandmother too

Humankind was built to survive

Yet while the doctors race for a cure

My mother's body is killing itself

~Author's Note~

So, this is a very personal poem. My mother recently was diagnosed with breast cancer. Fortunately, she found it in the first stage in the form of a lump in the obvious area. The situation is optimal for some with cancer-of you have to have it, it's best if it can be found ASAP. Still, it's possible for her to die, and the chemotherapy will make her go bald, be very tired, and become unable to lift heavy objects (to put it into perspective, a gallon of milk counts as heavy). This is going to be hard for my whole family, but of course my mother is in the worst seat. She is strong, brave, and intelligent, but cancer isn't picky with it's prey. As I stated in the poem, my grandmother on my mom's side also had cancer-three times. This was because she was a smoker, and the tumors were not caught quick enough. But hey, I'll stop rambling. Thank you for taking the time to read this godawfully long "note", and remember, in the darkest and saddest times is often when we shine brightest. Cancer has taken lives, but it has failed too. When there seems to be nothing left, there is still hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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