Chapter 10

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"Hey Alix I got your message, whats going on?" Adrien asked as he ran to the school to meet her.

"You won't believe me if I told you!" Alix replied but then Chloe was nearby talking to Sabrina.

"Ugh I can't believe she's back!"

"What?" Adrien asked in confusion.

"Hey Adrien guess who's back!" Nino came from behind not allowing for Alix to speak.

"Who?" Adrien expressed eagerly.

"Marinette of course!" Nino says as he left off to where a crowd was forming.

Adrien froze as he heard her name, he couldn't breath, "What? Thats not possible."

"Its her," Alix confirmed, "But she's changed."

"Let's check this out then," Adrien says as we went to the crowd where they circled Marinette.

Marinette was in all black leather jumpsuit with a matching leather jacket. She was telling her tale of her internship in China. Adrien was starstruck at her new confidence, new person. Everything about this Marinette was familiar but he knew that he couldn't trust her.Soon the bell rang and everyone had dispersed except for Adrien and Alix. Marinette had told Alya she'll catch up and she had forgotten something in her locker. However, she stayed in her spot to let Adrien and Alix stare at her. She allowed them to bask in it for a while before speaking.

"Hey guys," she said with a smile, shocking them all with her tone.

"Marinette," Adrien growled as he approached her.

"Aww Adrien," Marinette acted sweetly, "Do you not recognize me again? Your so oblivious." She chuckles evily.

"You can't be here," Adrien says hoping it was all a illusion.

She walked towards him, her voice now suggesting lust instead of mystery, hand on her hip and a glint in her eye, "But it is."

Adrien, taken aback, stared at her up and down, confused. It seemed as though she was going to play with him before taking his miraculous.

"Who and what are you?" Alix asked.

"I'm not a copy cat if that what your asking," Marinette explained, "I'm Misfortune with a Ladybug touch. I'm only trying to stop... I'm not going to hurt anyone," She said, putting her hand on his cheek and staring into his lying eyes. Her hands felt odd to Adrien, soft, yet rough at the same time. He didn't trust what he saw.

"Then give me the akuma," Adrien says as he didn't see any reason to agree for her to use it.

"But there's just one thing, I can't do it without it..."

"We can do whatever it is together," Adrien noticed her bright blue eyes turned purple, almost the same as when she attacked him and Alix in the cave.

"No, I need you to stay away Adrien," She whispered mysteriously, bringing her hands to her chest to indicate herself, and looking at him innocently, yet with an air of someone trying to play off the situation as small or easy.

Adrien instantly recovered, "Mari, please," but as he spoke, Marinette's smile diminished, "Right, hmm...Now see, that's a problem for me because I have a duty! To stop anyone whose been akumatized."

Marinette face sadden as she stepped away, "Alix? How about you?"

"Yeah I can't trust anyone who used my umbrella without asking," Alix stated with crossed arms.

"So you both want to be against me?" Marinette sighed, "Fine."

Adrien didn't want to anger her as he still had questions, "What's going to happen?" Adrien ask Marinette.

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