Dead mans float

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"Wait," cried Trevoghpr. It had started raining and they were both drenched in the sewage water from the busted pipes. "I didn't mean for this to happen, please come back and we can talk this through."

"My drawings of leg hair are my pride, my joy, my life and my leg hair," said Oli in a sad and lonely tone. "If I can't even draw leg hair, what can I do?"

"Skateboards," said Alan as he wizzed by on a small skateboard with an ogre picking his nose pained on it, and no wheels on the left side.

"You can buy me a dead-man float," said Trevoghpr, "and never listen to that silly cow."

"IM NOT A FREAKING COW!!" Said Alan the interrupting cow calmly on his skateboard.

"Are you asking me on a date? Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes," he said with excitement.

"Ewwww, no," said Alan

"Not you."

"It's a date then."

"Well it's always a date, that's how calendars work you silly goose," said Alan

"One I'm a ravioli and two no a date like tomorrow 3:57:23 am sharp at the toilet seat cafe."

"Ewwwwwwww," said Alan again. He then fell down a sewage drain and disappeared. A loud "Ewwwwwww" came from the sewer as Oli and Trevoghpr continued their conversation.

Tomorrow at 3:57:23 am sharp

Trevoghpr was 3.238573648585374 seconds late. Oli was starting to cry as he felt trevoghpr would never arrive. Trevoghpr got there and his heart rate was at 0bpm he was breathing fast and rushed to the table.

"Hey," said Trevoghpr, he breathing very hard and was very pale "us pancakes aren't very good at mornings cause our ancestors used to get eaten in the morning and most of us are scared of that."

"Well that's okay I guess sorta not really," said Oli while lonelyly sobbing, "my feelings are just really really hurt and lonely."

"I'm sorry my lonely lunch boi," said Trevoghpr. "I'm the same way, which is why I show up late, but I will try to never do it more than 3.6274 more times."

"That... that means a lot to me," Oli started tearing up again. "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me other than "here is your receipt sir."

"Order's please," said the waiter

"Two tall blonds and for desert a two dead man floats," said Oli

"And for your drinks," said the waiter

"I will have a small cup of urine with a shot of vodka. You lunch boi?"

"I'll have a small pepto bismol with four and a half shots of vodka. Thank," said Oli in a lonely tone.

"Is that it?"said the waiter in a flirtatious voice

"Yeeeee man," said Trevoghpr

"Man?" Asked the waiter, " I am a woman."

"Do I care?" said Trevoghpr and Oli in unison

"That's it get out," yelled the waiter

"When we get our food and finish."

"No now."

"That's not allowed."


They got their food, desert, paid and left. Next they when for a walk and accidentally kill 2.56 tomatoes, their family wasn't happy about that. But it was all fine and didn't hurt anyone else. Trevoghpr and Oli exchange candy phone numbers

"Mine is 123 456 7890," said Oli, "yours?"

"Mine is 098 765 4321," said Trevoghpr

Then about 5 minutes later they went home and Oli playled with Karl his llama. When he found Karl at home he found his dinner was stabbed 37 times in the chest and his hands were cooked and on a plate.

"KARL!! THAT WAS MY DINNER!!!" Yelled Oli but he didn't stay mad they just started playing yeet the knife at 100million$ tv. They played the classic rules each players get 7 knives and first one to hit 99 952 100$ cash jackpot wins. Of course Oli won like always, Karl is a noob.

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