Chapter 4

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"Welcome to you new home" Connor say as he reveals his house. It was HUGE!

"CONNOR" Someone screams and tackles him, a brunette boy to be exact.

"Who is your lady friend" Another asks raising his eye brows.

"Connor Franta, how many times have I told you that surprise adoption is basically kidnapping?" Another jokes and wiggles his finger.

"Guys, stop, Vanessa this is Jc" He points to a cute brunette one, he waves and blushes. What is that about?

"This is Kian" I points to another brunette, he was skinny and had a bandana in his hair.

"This is Ricky" I already knew we would be the best of friends, he looked sassy but nice at the same time.

They all wave at me and I wave back.

"Vanessa here is gonna stay in our guest bedroom for as long as she needs to, ok?"

"Yay!" They celebrate and I blush. "We have another rommie!" Kian celebrates.

I guess that these boys are very childish.

Kian ends up giving me the tour and showing me to my room.

"What brings you here anyway?" Kian asks.

"Um... I ran away" Should tell them anyway, they deserve at least that.

"Wait so is that all you have?" He say indicating to the small suitcase at my side.


"Ggguuuurrrlllll, we gotta go shopping, ooohhhh RICKY!!!!!" he yells.

"WHAT" Ricky yells back sticking his head out of his room.

"Look at all the poor girl has" Kian says and lifts up my suitcase. Ricky just stares at me in disbelief.

"You're joking right?" He stutters.

I slowly shake my head no.

"Let's go"


"Let's go, come on go get in the car"


"The mall, ASAP! Jesus, that suitcase is all you have!?!?"


"Then we really need to go"

He tramples over to me and throws me over his shoulder.

"Fashion emergency!!!! Get out the way!!!"

I just laugh and go along with it.

"Oh and we need to get you down food, you're light as a feather"

"Nahh, I'm fat as fuck"

"It talks" He says surprised.

"Sorry" I look down.

"I was kidding Nessa"

"Oh so are we on a nick name basis now? Rick"

"Hmm, very funny"

"Let me get some money first"

"Nope, my treat"

"I can't accept that, you already let me stay here"

"It's ok, seriously"

"I really can't let you pay for everything"

"Fine but I'm paying for dinner"


"Let's invite the others too"

Niall Horan's forgotten sisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora