Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

So here it goes before hell started to break loose and cause its chaos.

Another morning another tortuous day in the all of Hornet High, walking toward my locker I was met by the most amazing person on the planet Chase.  I greeted him with a ridiculous facial expression and receive one right back.

“Morning dorkus and how are you on this tortuous morning?” I said with a little too much enthusiasm.

“Well my stinkiest dear, it is as foul as always, yours stinker?” Chase let out a chuckle, his face lit up. Oh gosh he is just gorgeous when he smiles.

I sighed, “Oh, as you tell by my enthusiasm it is pretty good despite this place”

We both laughed as the bell rang interrupting our fun. “Eww well time to enter the gates of hell with Mr Erving and his majestic maths lessons, catch ya later”.

Chase and I hugged and it seemed like a forever till the second bell rang as a warning to be in class.

“Yeah later Chase”, seriously letting go of his hunkiness is hell. Why can’t we just work and not be so mental and arghh... I put my headphones in an slowed my pace taking all the time I could before reaching the art room.

Don’t get me wrong I am in love with this class it is just the factor of having a sub, great teacher just when your favourite teacher is on leave for a month you kind of don’t want to be in class that does nothing, unless it was my least favourite I would be overjoyed, but for now I am real bored of it

All of the groups praised the change having time to just lay about and catch up on other subjects, but that’s what spares and home is for, catch up then.. Or nah... Hahah I like learning of Van Gough and all the great artists. 

I chuckled as I entered the class to see Mr Brio, the Biology teacher ( our glorious substitute) scribbling stick figures on the board and calling it a Master piece.

“Now children this is art, a true master piece, better than any Mona Lisa.”

“Uncultured swine!” was shouted from the back corner of the room, and that would be – “CARRIE warning!” Mr Brio shouted as he was interrupted then continued his rambling on about being a Picasso.

Cazza, my sister from another mister. She spotted me walking in an ran up embracing me in a tight hug “Oh sweet heavens and the devil below she lives!”

“Woman care to be any louder” I said squeezing back.

“IF YOU WANT I COULD TALK LIKE THIS!” She shouted earning another scolding look from not only the teacher but the entire class.

Chuckling she dragged me to our table in the back.

“So we have an hour an half to kill what trouble shall we conjure up today?”

“None I hope, amongst all the studying for exams I am swamped and in need of caffeine of a shot of meth ahaha”

“How about that party Chase is holding this Friday, his mum is out of town with her new fling and he is taking full advantage. Gives you a chance to talk things out with him” Cazza said wiggling her eyebrows and nudging me.

“Geez woman you know I can’t get involved with him, I can’t hurt him. It’s easier to walk away."

We went silent as Mr Brio started roll call, an echo of ‘here and present’ rang through the room.

“So then agenda for the class then Sylvie, you finish my art piece please or at least tiny bits of it” Cazza pulled the puppy eyes hoping for a yes.

“I have finished mine and the written” I smirked waiting for her jaw to drop at the words ‘written’,

“Written, no. Not even going to attempt that, no way. Not a chance.” She sat shaking her head, arms crossed.

“hahah I kid, so what is your master piece going to be anyway?”

“Mr Brio, I plan to either sculpt or paint his head on a giant canvas.”

“Him for your piece? Really…?” The grin on her face was serious, oh gosh the woman has lost her marbles. “Why in the world would you sculpt or even paint a 40 year old man’s head, he is a great laugh but sculpt worthy?”

“He did say he was Picasso” We both sat there laughing at how this project was going to turn out, we sat there planning the design’s till I gave in a started scribbling cartoons of Chase.

Geez women, just man up tell him how you feel and see how it goes… Or I could just go to Canada, yeah Canada sounds nice could work… No, no I am not running from what I feel, just staying 5 billion feet away from it... Jesus what it would be great to be normal around here…Well as far as normal goes… Cazz a witch and I a siren and the woman can’t even help me with this. Slacking job…

I laughed to myself, then realising the look on Cazza’s face. I had completely missed the bell for next class only to see Cazz still waiting on me. “Shit, shit, shit!” I gathered my books and scrambled out of the class with Cazza pulling me along.

“Woman do you ever come down from dream land and take in reality?”
“Nope ahah”  

Power walking to English I looked at Cazza sometimes wishing it was the other way round. She was a little bit taller than me bout 5’3”, model body, gorgeous long brown to ombre’ blonde, brown eyes that always left any guy hanging if she looked at them. She was a stunner and all the guys eye candy and gosh she was not afraid to show it. She should have been the siren not me…  Oh well she makes a stunning wench, I mean witch any day hahaha.

The bell rang for second class, Cazza, Chase and myself all shared English and made it just in the nick of time before class started. Cazza raced into class never wanting to be too late and miss a moment of Mr Heathman’s class. She sat upfront ogling him as did half the girls in our class. Chase and I laughed at how ridiculous they all looked, we sat near the window away from the drawling. Fresh out of school, baby faced Mr Heathman, poor guy. Half the class actually worked the other were too busy asking for tutoring out of school hours.

“Glad I am not in his shoes” Chase said leaning close to me, oh god his cologne is just delicious.

“Sylvie, Sylvie.. To answer my question, where did Romeo and Juliet take place? Or is staring at your friend more important than learning?” I snapped out of it real quick to see the entire class giggling and glaring at my stupidity…

“Ummm it took place in Vienna, and no staring at Chase is not more important, just thought he had a ugly giant pimple growing from his neck is all. Then I realised it’s just his head.” The class burst into laughter along with the teacher. An intern I received a punch in the arm from Chase.

“Ahh good to know you know your Romeo and Juliet and as for Chases head, leave the poor kid be. It’s a face only a mother could love. Ahaha” and with that Mr Heathman decided to give us all an early mark and just read the first chapter of the book at home.

Chase was startled at his comment but laughed it off, today seemed to be starting out pretty well from what I thought, despite glaring off into space not once but twice today due to Chase.

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