Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The three of us made our way to the football field to sit under the big gumtree we had scribbled on and marked as our spot… Not kind to the tree but it’s not like we were going to burn satanic stars and summon satan himself to keep our spot vacant.

As we sat Chase pulled out a couple flyers from his bag handing one each to Cazza and myself.

“What is this monstrosity of a party you are throwing this month?”

Chase rolled his eyes in response “Well since we got the new house and it holds a glorious child sacrificing pool outback I figured before we tarnish it with souls, we throw a pool party”. Chase and I burst into laughter at the look on Cazza’s face due to Chase’s response.

“Seriously you two and your summoning of Satan, sacrificing children and eating their souls stuff is really great to hear. Especially in front of people but do you need to ham it up in front of me? I know you two are really just dying to see each other’s bodies barely covered” Wiggling her eyebrows quickly turned into a frown as Chase and I flicked her ears. “Oww, seriously though”

“She is a fat old lady under them clothes"

"And he is a fat sloppy hobo, now why would I want to see that. I would have to cut my eyes out""Myself included I don’t think I could stand the sight of that monstrosity, so Sylvie you are to wear a paper bag for the night. Don’t want you scaring my guests away now.” We all burst into laughter over the usual stupid banter. After eating and discussing which people were coming and who wasn’t we headed off to get changed for gym and wait back on the field.



I stood shoulding and cheering from the stands watching Cazza imatate the cheerleaders and fail at it. She stood dusting herseld off and doing the Aunt Carly walk over to me.

"I am all but fabulous thank you very much ahaha"
"At least you tried which is what counts right... Maybe... No... ahahahahah!!"

Carrie and I watch the cheerleaders carry on with their all mighty skank moves they call cheering. As for why I wasn't doing spot, I face planted, twisted my ankle and cause a sprained wrist.. This was just running to first base.. Ladies and gents why I don't do sports, always flat on my face or hurting another person. Cazza on the other hand spends all her time imitating the cheerleaders trying to get out of real sport. Chase well he is a natural  it runs in his blood. He was head of the football team, every girls eye candy even to some of the guys.. At the end of sport Chase stood around handing out flyers to everyone for the party.. So much for certian people not attending aka barbie and her bimbos.

I stood arms folded, I looked like a young child suking. I put on the best David Attenborough voice as Cazza walked over.
"Here we see a wild blonde and her pack of twats trying to entice the male species. With no real brains these creatures are always looking for ways to feel superior."
"Oh dearie me, at the late night documentries again are we?" she giggled at my fabulous imitations,
"No just simply stating the obvious"
"So why the twats I thought he was keeping it simple?" I grew frustrated and fiddled with my shirt.
"Hmm oh well Chases choice, his party"

I picked up my bah dragging it behind me as I limped upto the change rooms, "Wait up nugget!!" Chase yelled running up from behind me, then picking me up in a surprise hug.
I screamed throwing my arms around, "urghh ahah you big ugly beast, let me down before I eat your soul!!" Chase persisted on tickling me till I let out a scream that caused him to drop me and catch the stares of others on the field.
As I stood I caught a glimspe of Samantha (Tit for brians/ blondie) the scowl on her face was great.
"What's up and what witht eh blonde's coming to the party??"
Samantha sauntered over pushing inbetween myself and Chase, "Chase, handsome thanks for the invite. I'll make sure to wear my best bikini just for you" She moved her hand up towards his face then tracing a finger down his chest.

"Urghh tit for brians you interrupted our conversation"
"Sylvia you don't belong near him, rack off!" she said in a whiny voice flipping her hair behind her shoulder. Chase stood there watching, wating for me to lose it at her,
"Oi I said tit for brains scram or I'll tear off your fake dragon nails, IIGHT!?"
" Arghhhh, watevs loser, see you friday Chassiie" She winked at him, shot me a glare and walked off followed by her bimbos.

I punched Chase in the arm as Samantha went out of sight, " WHY IN THE HEAVENS DO YOU LET THAT HAPPEN??!?!!"
"Cause it's a laugh and you left Cazz over there" He pointed to the bleachers to show Cazza surround by the rest of the football team.
"She will survive, I am surprised they aren't over Samantha though aha"
"Naa they like a girl with brains not just tits. ahaha ahaha"
"Good to know, now I am hungry and food calls. Let's go!"


So hey.. I finally have put something up that doesn't just consist of a chapter or two... I had 2 weeks up my sleeve while on holiday to write and this came to me in mind.. Also hope you like the quick uploads and sorry for half uploading this chapter then adding to it.
Let me know if you enjoy it so far. I will also be gathering pictures so you can get an idea of the characters....
Sorry if some chapters seem short or too long..

Now I have finished school and will be bed ridden after having a couple teeth pulled. You guys will have chapters coming over the next couple weeks into the New Year :)

Enjoy reading lovelies.

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