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The boy started falling from the sky and it looked like he was injured. You were too far from the boy to catch him before he falls.

"Maybe i can make it" you started sprinting but my head continued to hurt. I started to limp but constantly pushing myself. "Run dammit!, he's gonna die if i dont make it" i cursed at myself. He was about to hit the ground my eyes ready to see his body smash into a million pieces.

But it didn't happen

The girl from earlier hit his cheek causing him to float. She slowly let him down and vomited after words. You sighed in relief, "guess he didn't have to die". He started crawling wanting to get at least one point until Present Mic spoke, "exam is over!".

"Good work everyone" we all looked to see an old lady. "Good work, good work," she reached into her pocket. "Here, here, eat some gummies" she started handing out gummies to people. "And this is for your headache" she handed you a chewable medicine along with a few gummies. You bowed, "thank you". The blonde guy with a weird belt said she was the school's nurse, Recovery girl.

She went to the green haired boy and gave him a kiss almost instantly healing him. "Is anyone else hurt?" We all looked around but no one seemed to be as injured as the green haired boy.


After the incident we all started walking out of the arena. You walked to the girls locker room and got yourself changed. You walked out with your stuff hearing a ring from your phone. You answered it, "hello?". "Y/n I'll be waiting at the gates okay" it was Shoto. "Okay" you ended the call. As you were walking you saw the same green haired boy. You decided that you should at least know each other's name.

"Hey!" You called out his name. He turned around looking pretty bumbed. "Oh your the girl from the exam" he pointed at me. "I wanted to say thank you for helping me," you scratched the back of your neck. "Oh it's really nothing" he waved. "My name is L/n
Y/n" you reached your hand out for him to shake. He gladly took your hand, "Midoriya Izuku". "Well I hope to see you again Midoriya" you smiled.

"I don't think you'll see me again though" he chuckled nervously. "They should atleast make an exception for you, you helped so much" you smiled patting his back. You felt someone grab your wrist, "y/n". You looked and saw todoroki, "hello shouto". "It's getting late, there's no time to flirt with boys" he glared at Midoriya. Midoriya immediately jumped in fear, "I-I didn't mean to f-flirt with your g-girlfriend". "Girlfriend!" You blushed. "We're just friends, he's just really scary sometimes" you hit todoroki in the head.

"Ow!" He rubbed his head. "You can't keep scaring people like that" you said your goodbye to Midoriya and left with Shouto.

"How was the practical exam" you looked at him. "It was okay" he timidly answered. "I'm sure you passed since you were part of the recommendation" you chuckled. "I'm sure you passed aswell" he looked at you. "The points I earned wasn't enough," you sighed. "I could've gotten more if it wasn't for my stupid headache" you cursed at yourself.

"How many points did you get?" He asked.

"46 points"

"You got 46 points despite the headache" he looked at you. "Why do I have to remind so many times for you to stop once you start to feel it" he scolded. "But if I stopped I wouldn't have passed" you defended.

"Do you feel better now at least" he looked very concerned. "Recovery girl gave me a chewable headache medicine and a few gummies too" you reached in your pocket. "I saved some for you, just in case you didn't get" you opened your palm showing a few pieces of gummies. He smiled lightly getting around two, "thank you". You popped the rest in your mouth happily chewing on the sweets

You looked forward tightening you grasp on your bag straps. "Guess we have to wait for a week for the results", He nodded.

Todoroki walked you to your house even if you just passed by his. He said that girls shouldn't walk late and that it wasn't a bother for him to go back and forth. "Good night Shoto" you gave him a hug which he gladly gave back. Your head buried in the crook of his neck smelling his addictive scent, who knew that when todoroki's face was buried in your hair he was doing the same.

"Sleep well" he ruffled your hair then seeing you go inside. Todoroki was walking back home thinking about the hug. "It felt different" he was right outside the door sliding it open. "Why are you late" his father crossed his arms. "I had to walk y/n home" his father scrunched his face. "What do you see in her," todoroki stopped in his steps.

"Her ninja abilities are simple and anyone can acquire those skills, and her blue energy power that can be used is useless since she can't control it" todoroki stayed composed despite the hurtful insults on his best friend. "She can and she will control it and her ninja abilities are different from what you think," shouto placed his bag down.

"She has never jumped so high yet land so quietly, she has never ran so fast that you won't notice her go right behind you, and she has never thought so quick that she has made a whole plan to destroy you right on your first attack" Endeavor crossed his arms. "Then tell me young Shoto," he bent down to todoroki's level.

"Has she ever beaten you" todoroki looked down. After a long and painful silence todoroki's father got the answer, "didn't think so". "I'm going to bed" he angrily got his bag and went to his room.

He placed his bag down then lying down on his bed, "I'm going to show you,".

"She's way more powerful that you think"



Okay third chapter out hope you guys like it.

Please vote and comment what you think 😊

- Remember the events that take place are simply copied from the show. It's not mine. I just tweaked some things in order to squeeze in a character. The story itself is mine though.

Okay bye.

〆Fight for me〆 todoroki Shoto Where stories live. Discover now