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"Jen has a surprise for you!" Florian said.

Jen came in the room. She held hands with a girl who looked exactly like her.

"Is that your clone?" Korathius said.

"No, That might be a twin," Juliana Heroheart said.

"This is my twin sister named Fauna," Jen said.

"She looks exactly like you," said Flora.

"She looks up to me," said Jen. "I am the older twin."

"Hi!" said Fauna.

"Fauna," said Florian, "you may take a seat next to Flora."

Fauna went to het assigned desk.

"Today, we will be working on Shrubbery Strike!" Florian said.

"Ooooooohh!" The class cheered.

"Yes that's right. A new plant element spell!"

They had been working on Fungi Fling for so long, they dreaded going to plant spell class.

Fushicia raised her hand. " I rather go to the storm element class!"

"But It's locked. Gale has to fix the pedestals!" Florian explained.

"What old spell have you been working on? What do you mean Storm class is locked? Are the others locked too?" asked Fauna.

"Oh jeez," Flora said.

"Well you see,"Began Florian, "On the first day of school, Something terrible happened."

"The Puppet Master blasted all of the gems in his sonic blaster,"Fushicia continued. "He thought he destroyed them, but they landed in different parts of the island. The crystals can't be destroyed."

"Also, in the process, He destroyed the pedestals," said Jen.

"Before we got the firefly gem, Gale had already fixed the firefly pedestal," said Juliana Heroheart.

"He is still trying to fix the other ones," said Flora.

"And that's the whole story," Korathius said.

"Wow!" said Fauna.

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