Chapter 33

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Emai pov.
My heart flutters as I watch Kaido play with the little kids.
"I'm gonna eat all of you!" He growls playfully, and the kids all laugh and scream as he chases them.
All of the kids pounce on him at once, jumping from a high obstacle. I notice he spreads out his wings to cushion them.
"He's so gentle with them." Kiko breaths. Aiko squeals.
"Marry him, marry him right now!" She dances. I blush furiously as bakugo sensei busts out laughing.
"I'll get the consent papers ready." He teases.
"What's that watch thing on your wrist?" One of the little girls asks.
"It's hard to explain. I made it. Robobird." I hear Kaido say calmly. His watch shifts into into a mechanical crow.
"You're so cool senpai!" The girl bounces up and down.
"S-senpai?!" Kaido flushes.
"Yeah! You teach us cool things and show us cool stuff and let us play the games we want to play instead as of making us sit in a corner and be quiet." The little girl says fidgeting with her dress. Kaido softens.
"Why would I make you sit in a corner when it's so much fun to play with super cool kiddos like you?" He smiles, and the kids brighten immediately, bouncing up and down excitedly.
"Senpai! Senpai!" They chant, hopping around them like excited bunnies. Kaido sits cross legged, watching them silently.
"He is so damn misunderstood, I fucking hate it." I hear bakugo sensei sigh. Kaido looks up, noticing us, a blush dusting his face. He stands up and walks over. The kids chase his mechanical bird around.
"For a kid with a rough exterior, your sure can be soft." Bakugo sensei teases Kaido.
"Shut the fuck up. The assholes who were watching them before me made them sit in a corner and sit silently, then pretended to play when I walked in." Kaido rolls his eyes.
"It's probably why Nezu specifically asked me." He sighs.
"Why is that?" Bakugo sensei says , amused.
"Im not stupid. I'm a loner. Those kids are loners. They just happen to be lonely together. I mean, I've got Kiyoka but that's about it. Outside of her, I've got no friends. Not that I mind of course." Kaido continues.
"What about me, hide, mom, and everyone else?"
"Oh, you mean you adults? Dad, be real, what teen what's to have a conversation with an adult? And a parent at that?" Kaido scoffs.
"Ok ok, fair enough, I get your point. Why do you think he chose you specifically, though?" Bakugo sensei asks. 
Kaido pretends to strangle his father.
"Because I'm smart, observant. I work by myself on a daily basic which makes me extremely perceptive to other people's body language." Kaido growls, making bakugo bust out laughing.
"Is that so?" He grins.
"It is, you horny fuck! Go home and just fuck mom already! I can't use my quirk around you without smelling how horny you are, like holy shit!" Kaido rants, over exaggerating. I try to hold my giggles in, but completely lose it as bakugo expression turns into one of horror.
"You can smell it?!" He gasps.
"Yes! I can also scent a few other things with my quirk, but that's irrelevant!" Kaido is cut off by one of the little girls tugging on his pant leg. Small tears run down her face as she holds up the mechanical bird.
"Kei tripped and fell and landing on the bird and now it's wing is bent." She sniffles.
"Is Kei alright?" Kaido asks gently, sitting down on the ground, grabbing the bird from her. The little girl nods. He presses his finger to the circle on the top of the head.
"Do you wish to engage in manual system override procedure to ensure safe damage control?" The bird asks.
"Yes." Kaido says.
"Understood. Authorization needed to begin a safe shut down. Say full name and password."
"Kaido bakugo: Lord Repair Boy." Kaido grins, as Katsuki busts out laughing.
"That's your password?" He cackles.
"Well considering I am a god at fixing any machine that you are mom breaks, I think it suits me." He chuckles. He focuses on taking apart the wing, then carefully putting it back together. His large hands are steady, and mesmerizing to watch as he puts the tiny pieces back together.
"Imagine if he used those hands on you." Aiko whispers in my ear, giggling as I blush furiously. Kaido looks up and smirks, shooting me a knowing look. He returns to fidgeting with the bird.
He clips in the last feather, then presses his forefinger to the top of the birds head. It reactivates, instantly shooting out a bunch of metals feathers. One of Kaido's wings shoot out, blocking kino from the damage.
"What happened?" The little girl whines.
"Ah yes, I remember why this particular device was a failure." He frowns, pulling a metal feather from his cheek."
"What does that mean?" The little girls asks.
"It means I was supposed throw this bird away because it might hurt people, but I forgot about it." Kaido continues to pluck the feathers from his flesh. Aiko watches, startled.
"Doesn't that hurt?" Bakugo sensei asks, surprised.
"Oh no, it hurts very much, I'm just too surprised to react. Ouch." He says, yanking one of the bigger feathers out of his flesh. Kino tried to push past his wing to see. He grabs a feather from his opposite wing, handing it to the girl.
"Hey, show the other kids this cool feather I found." He says. The little girl darts away.
"Kaido that was a primal-"
"Dad, they are my own wings, I'm sure I can handle missing one single main feather. And it was a secondary row feather, by the way. My wings are different from moms. She has thinner wings, less compact. Mine are more complex, and I have more feathers to use, specifically if I lose any. Besides, I'd rather not traumatize the poor girl. She probably doesn't need to see someone ripping shards of metal out of their body this early in the morning." Kaido chuckles.

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