Prove It

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Lu Tong Xiao got up to leave after finishing what he wanted to say but was stopped by the emperor.

"Tong Xiao, there is one more thing that you need to do.", after sorting out the important affair he remembered another matter he wanted to discuss.

Lu Tong Xiao lowered his eyes to look at the emperor and silently sat down again.

The emperor looked away from Lu Tong Xiao and cleared his throat before saying, "It's regarding the last time you visited Jin. There are still some loose ends to be tied. So prepare to go there next month."

Hearing that he had to go back to Jin, Lu Tong Xiao lifted his brows in question, "If I remember correctly, I've already finished dealing with the important matter. The remaining is just some insignificant parts. Anyone can do it, so why does Your Majesty want me to go?" Usually, His Majesty never sent him for such trivial matters which could be solved by anyone. Moreover, the awkward hesitation on his face was clear as the day, making Tong Xiao curious about what the emperor was trying to say.

The emperor hurriedly waved his hands to end the topic like he didn't want to discuss it any further, "Don't question everything and just prepare to go. then, it will be time for An Rou to come back. When you return, bring her back together."

Thinking about his lovely daughter, the emperor's eyes softened. In one month, she'll turn 18 and be an adult. He hadn't seen her for 8 years. All he heard was that she has grown up to become a wonderful lady, both in appearance and virtue. Now, it's time for her to finally come back home. He didn't want to bother Lu Tong Xiao for a minor thing, but as a father who had not seen his daughter for years, how could it be an unimportant matter for him. The southern border has a huge wild forest making it difficult to travel. So he could trust only Tong Xiao for the safety of his daughter while traveling back.

Her Highness, the empress, is the princess of the Jin nation. It was a long tradition between the imperial families of Jin and Xin to be bonded by marriage which resulted in the wedding of the current emperor and empress. After that, the empress gave birth to a son and a daughter. Upon birth, her son became the crown prince. And her daughter, the first princess Xin An Rou, upon turning ten, was sent to Jin, her maternal family, for formal education.

Lu Tong Xiao understood the emperor's intention of sending him to Jin but hearing he had to escort the princess, Lu Tong Xiao's brows wrinkled in displeasure. Princesses are usually spoiled and he found it annoying to deal with them. But Xin An Rou was the treasured daughter of His Majesty and he was personally entrusting his daughter's safety into his hands, making it difficult for him to refuse. According to the emperor, he only had to accompany her while he was returning so his schedule would not be affected. Or in words, the emperor had timed it in such a way that he couldn't refuse.

Thinking for a while, he finally nodded his head. He'd just treat it as returning His Majesty's favour of earlier in the banquet in the bracelet incident. Although the emperor didn't say much, had he not been there to pacify the empress, Lu Tong Xiao knew the matter would have escalated to a much higher degree.

On the other side, Bai Yu Yan, who had not long ago experienced the palace scheme first hand, was being dragged around by Xin Li Ling, the third princess. For someone who had the first-hand experience of the palace scheme not so long ago, she wanted to avoid everyone from the palace like a plague. She has already learned her lesson that no matter how harmless they appeared, they couldn't be trusted at all. But no matter how uninterested she tried to act, this little princess wouldn't leave her alone.

"Bai Yu Yan, this princess still can't believe that it's really you who made Mother's dress. Tell me, it wasn't you, right? Hmph, this princess is smart enough to know you don't have such talent to make it.", with a pastry in her hand, she harrumphed and turned her face to the other side with contempt.

They were sitting on a garden bench under a huge tree. Everyone was scattered around in small groups, eating, drinking, and chatting merrily.

Bai Yu Yan gave a side look to the princess who looked like Consort Shu. She looked younger than Yu Yan, maybe she was just 16 years old. Although her face was turned to the other side, she was looking at her from the corner of her eye. With pastry crumbs sticking around her lips, she looked like a small hamster in the process of eating.

Seeing that Bai Yu Yan was not answering, she thought the hard way didn't work and applied the soft way, "Tell me, okay? It will be our secret. This princess swears not to tell anyone about it."

Bai Yu Yan sighed at the obvious provocation of the princess. How old did she think was Bai Yu Yan, 5 years? Did she really think that she'd fall for it?

"Okay, how about this? Make a dress for me. Then it can be proven that you have a talent for design and no will doubt you, not even this princess. Easy, isn't it?"

When Bai Yu Yan didn't fall for her taunt, she finally revealed her true intention. But unknown to her, her eyes had already betrayed her. Unlike her doubtful words, her eyes were pleading for her to make a dress for her.

Looking at those big watery eyes stubbornly requesting her, Bai Yu Yan finally conceded. It seems the princess wouldn't leave her alone unless she promised to design a dress for her.

"If that is what it takes princess to believe that I made it, then I don't seem to have any other choice.", said Bai Yu Yan while firmly nodding her head like she wanted to prove herself.

Xin Li Ling's eyes lit up in glee, proud that Bai Yu Yan fell in her trap. "You just promised this princess, now you can't back off.", said the princess while still holding the pastry in one hand and pointing her finger at Bai Yu Yan with the other. "This princess will go and bring some more dessert to eat." Then, grabbing her long skirt, she ran away before Bai Yu Yan could change her mind. 

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