Chapter 17

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POV: Kousuke

I ate some breakfast, but Shin-ae didn't join me; saying that she wasn't hungry. It felt lonely to not eat with her company, which was strange considering that I was eating my meals alone a few weeks prior. A few hours passed, so knocked on her door. I opened it slightly, and she was still in bed.
"Hm? What time is it?" She yawned.
"Quarter passed noon." I responded. (12:15pm).
"Sorry I slept in so late." She chuckled, sitting up while holding the blanket up to her.
'Her shoulders are bare..'
"I-I'm going to go prepare you some lunch.." I said, quickly leaving her room with a red face.

POV: Shin-ae

'Hehehe...I'm not wearing anything am I?'
"Sorry I slept in so late." I chuckled, sitting up and holding the blanket up to my neck.
"I-I'm going to go prepare you some lunch.." Kousuke said, quickly leaving my room. I noticed his face turn red.
'Hehehe...and he noticed..'
"Guess I should've put on pajamas last night. Too late now." I chuckled, standing up.
   I put on some grey leggings, and a loose blue T-shirt. After hooking on my bra, I left my room.

"You're lunch is ready." Kousuke said in the kitchen. I walked in to see a grilled chicken breast and some broccoli.
"Thanks for the breakfast/lunch." I chuckled, sitting down to eat.
"Of course." He nodded, leaning against the counter, "oh, just to let you know, I will be picking Hansuke up from the airport in an hour."
"Want me to come with?" I asked, taking a bite of broccoli.
"If you'd like." He shrugged, walking off, "I'm going to take a quick shower."
    I blushed, thinking back to last time.
"Hehe, don't let the door eat your clothing again!" I called, chuckling slightly.

    I finished eating, and washed my dish.
"I bet I could stay in this." I shrugged, looking down at my outfit, "Hey Alexi, play 'Dancing with Myself' by Billy Idol."
    The song came on, and I silently began to dance to it.

POV: Kousuke

     I finished taking my shower, and got dressed. I stepped out of the bathroom with the towel, drying off my hair, when I heard a song playing in the kitchen. I walked over to my room, and looked over to the direction on the kitchen. Shin-ae goofily danced to the song, not looking in my direction.
'I guess that she likes to dance'
I chuckle quietly to myself before I head into my room. It didn't take too much longer to get ready. I exited my room to see that the song had ended, so Shin-ae was leaned over the counter looking at her phone.
"Alright, are you ready to go?" I asked.
   She looked up at me and nodded.

    We headed down and got into my car.
"Oh, sweetie I missed you." She said, startling me. I turned and saw that she was talking to the car.
I started up the engine and we headed off to the airport. Got there just in time for Hansuke to walk out the doors.
"Hey Cousin!" He said, outing his stuff in the back. He walked to the back seat after noticing Shin-ae in the passenger seat.
"Ah, How are you doing Shin-ae?! It seems that  you haven't been driven insane yet." He joked.
"Tch, what's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
   Hansuke and Shin-ae began to laugh as I brewed.
"Aw calm down cousin, I was just kidding!" Hansuke laughed.
"Whatever.." I mumbled, driving away from the airport.

   By the time we got back home, it was 5:30pm. Shin-ae went into her room to play some Animal Walking, while I made Hansuke some lunch (since he claimed that he hadn't eaten anything).
"So, hows living with Shin-ae?" Hansuke asked, drinking some Lemon-Lime soda.
"Good." I shrugged, giving him his food.
"Have you given her some Fifty Shades of Kousuke?" He smirked.
"W-What?!" I stuttered.
"Hey, I'm just curious." He shrugged, laughing.
I rolled my eyes, "why must you always be like this.."
"Hey, you guys still love me." He winked, eating his food, "oh, There's a new nightclub that opened up in your area! I thought that the three of us could go there tonight!"
"I'm not sure if Miss Yoo would like to go there.. she's not a big fan of large crowds." I said, drinking some water.
"Well, we won't know until we ask!" He said, standing up.
I followed after him as he walked up to Shin-ae's room. He knocked on the door before entering.
"Hey Shin-ae, we were thinking about going to a nightclub tonight! You up for it?" He asked excitedly.
"Um...I'm not sure..." Shin-ae chuckled nervously.
'See? She wouldn't want to.'
"Pleasseee??? I heard that the chicken wings there are the best!!! They have different 12 flavors!!" He said, trying to entice her.
"Fineee.." she laughed, "I'll do it, But only for the chicken wings!"

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