Chapter 25

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Two days later: Sunday

POV: Shin-ae

"Here." Kousuke said, handing his phone to me.
On the screen was an adorable little baby in a pale pink and yellow onesie.
"Aww, it's so cute!!!" I gasped.
"His name is Henry. He's Wilson and Mira's son." He said, taking his phone back, "Mira wants us to come over later to meet him, if that's alright with you that is."
"Sure, sounds fun." I chuckled, "should we go get him a present?"
"If you'd like to." He shrugged.

'Yasss! Now to go hug all of the cute soft baby plushies!'

We got dressed and left the apartment, heading over to a baby and toddler store that was a 5 minute drive away. We got in, and it smelled like baby powder. Everything in the store were pastel colors.
"Yup, this." I chuckled, picking up a pacifier that had a mustache.

There were so many toys and outfits.
"Ah, definitely this." I chuckled, putting a T-Rex onesie that said 'little terror' in the carriage. Kousuke went outside for a phone call, so I just roamed around looking at every little thing. Rubber duckies? Yup. Wooden cars? Yup. Teething toys that looked like donuts? Of course.

I got to a bunch of infant shirts, and held one of them in front of me. 'It's not my fault I poop in my pants💩' it read.
Kousuke walked up, making it look like he was wearing the shirt.
"...pHahahahahahah!!!" I bursted out laughing.
He raised a brow at me, confused. He walked besides me and looked at the shirt.
"Oh 'ha ha'. Very mature." He rolled his eyes.
"I don't hear you denying it." I chuckled, nudging him.

I put the shirt in the carriage. He looked down at what I got.
" 'Born dangerous: dangerously cute', 'don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful', 'Don't eat the forbidden fudge'." He read aloud, chuckling a bit at the last one.
"I'm a great Aunt, Huh?" I chuckled.
He looked at me confused, "what do you mean aunt?" He asked.
"I adopted him as my nephew, don't question it. For now on, I'm 'Auntie Shin-ae'." I chuckled, picking up another shirt.

After a long while of shopping, we made it to the front. I payed, and we sat in the car putting everything in a gift bag. We finally got to Mira and Wilson's house, and it was around 6:30pm. I grabbed the bag, and we headed inside.
"Hey Kousuke!" Mira grinned, "Hello Shin-ae!" She hugged me.
"Hello." I chuckled.
"Again, thank you so much for the other day! If I had known that would happen, then I wouldn't have been out like that." She laughed, turning around for us to follow her.

We got into the kitchen, and saw Wilson and Henry by the counter island.
"This is Henry!" Mira smiled, gesturing over to her son.
"We got him some presents." I said, handing Mira the bag.
She placed it on the counter and looked inside.
"Oh gosh, I love you even more." She chuckled, picking up the mustache pacifier, "this is fricken adorable."
"Right?! Kousuke said to get one of the other ones, but I couldn't help but get that one." I chuckled.

She looked through the shirts and toys, and seemed to love them.
"Thank you so much! I bet Henry appreciates it." She took the pacifier out of the container, and washed it in the sink. Then she walked up to Henry, took out his other pacifier, and gave him the mustache pacifier.
"I need a photo of this." I chuckled, taking out my phone.

Mira and I got a couple of cute shots, and we pulled back laughing.
Henry was put to bed a bit later, and I hung out with Mira in the kitchen, while Kousuke and Wilson talked in the living room.
"So how's living with Kousuke? It's not bad right?" She chuckled.
"Naw, I like living with him. It's like living with my dad; but instead of my dad: he's my friends brother, my boss, and my roommate." I laughed.
"Hey, even if he fires you, he can't get rid of you that easily." She joked.
"Hehe, true." I chuckled.

I looked over to the living room, and heard Mira chuckle.
"You checkin on the boys?" She smirked, leaning against the counter across from me.
"Perhaps." I chuckled, looking back towards her.
"So, how do you feel about Kousuke?" She asked, grinning.
"I dunno..." I murmured, "why?"
"Just, wondering how you feel about him." She shrugged, "I mean, he still sprays girls with makeup remover, right?" She chuckled.
"You know about that?" I laughed.
"Of course! That's how I met him!" She chuckled.
I looked at her confused, "really?"
"Yup, I thought it was hilarious. Then Wilson and I started sitting with him during lunch, and we'd hang out sometimes after school. We became good friends." She sipped at some grape juice, "how did you meet him? Did he get you with the make up remover as well?"

I laughed, "no, he actually offered me some... Yeong-Gi drew marker on my face, so Kousuke helped me get it off." I shrugged.
I looked back up at Mira, and she was biting down on her lips, a smile trying to escape.
"That's fricken adorable." She chuckled.

We talked a lot more about each other; her telling me more about her job and relationship with Wilson, and me telling her about the past year or so.
"It sounds like you and Kousuke have gotten pretty close then, right?" She winked.
"I-I guess.." I chuckled nervously.

I heard Henry start to fuss in his room, catching Mira's attention.
"Oop, baby calls." She chuckled, walking off. She came back with Henry in her arms.
"Wanna sit with the baby on the couch?" She asked.
"Sure." I shrugged.
We entered the living room, where whatever conversation Kousuke and Wilson were having ended. I sat down besides Kousuke.
"Here ya go." Mira said, putting Henry in my arms.

'Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. He's so soft.'
"Hello child." I cooed.
Henry looked up at me with an eyebrow raised. I lightly booped him on the nose, causing him to giggle in response.
"Seems like you're good with baby's." Wilson chuckled.
"Hehe, though I've never been around any baby's before." I chuckled.

We hung out in the living room for a while, me holding Henry. I kept catching Kousuke staring at the baby, so I lightly put him into Kousuke's arms.
"W-What are you doing.." Kousuke grunted, unsure of the child that was now in his arms.
"You wanna hold him, right? He's a warmblooded peach." I chuckled.

His arms went stiff as he held Henry, as well as his whole body. He seemed very nervous.
"Oh calm down, he's a baby." I rolled my eyes, "relax yourself."
He seemed reluctant, but I was his shoulders lower, and he no longer held Henry like a football.
"Well done, you're a good Kousuke trainer." Mira chuckled.

Eventually, we all began to get sleepy. Mira brought Henry back to his crib, and we all stood by the front door.
"I'm glad that you two were able to come by!" Mira smiled.
"Glad to officially meet you, without giving birth at least." I chuckled.

We hugged and said out dare well's, heading out to Kousuke's car.
"Well, that was fun." I yawned, feeling exhausted.
"You definitely seemed to enjoy Mira's company." He chuckled, "what were you two talking about?"
"O-oh, nothing much.." I chuckled nervously.

We got back to the apartment and went to bed. I rolled around in mine for a while, thinking about things.

Flashback: (when Mira and Shin-ae were alone in the kitchen)

"It sounds like you really care about him." Mira smirked.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Oh, you know. Like, thinking about him a lot, getting flustered easily, and feeling a bit off in your stomach." She chuckled.
"I-I mean.. maybe a bit..." I sighed, ".... but I can't. It's unprofessional, and would probably never happen anyways." I shrugged.
"How so?" She asked.
"I don't's just, he's probably never even thought about someone like that, let alone me. I've just decided to push away those feelings."
She looked at me surprised, "Well...if that's what you want to do, then I support you. But if you want my advice, then just trying to hide it won't make it go away. "


"Ugh, why can't I just have a 'turn off' button" I groaned against my pillow

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