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He stared and he stared as the hot water hit him. What are these people gonna think of me? Finn was thinking. He's not much of a social person as much as he wants to be.
You'll soon see her what did his dad mean? Finn was awfully confused as he never been in a real meaning relationship. He's only had meaningless sex. That's all it ever was to him.

A few minutes later he was finished showering. "Jesus, what am I gonna do?" He said mumbling as he dried himself. Choosing out his clothing he wore his usual, ripped light blue jeans and a sweater along with his vans. He went with white today. White sweater and white vans, how surprising for a dark vampire.

He waited out on the door step for his friend. Those people should be at the diner by now. Where is he? A few minutes later Caleb arrived. "White? Since when?" Caleb. "Says now. Now let's fucking go, I wanna get this over with" Finn says hopping inside the car. Caleb starts the car. "So you excited?" Caleb asks. Finn looks at him with a death stare "no. This is risky Caleb!" Finn said.

"How is this risky? Just act like a normal human." Caleb says, still focused on the road.
"Human? Normal? We're not that Caleb. Vampires! We're goddamn vampires!" Finn asays clearly upset. Caleb sighs. "This can be a change Finn. We don't need to be just vampires." Caleb adds. "But we are Caleb. We are vampires, eventually sent to hell. No one is gonna accept us." Finn says in a sad tone. Finn doesn't wanna be this way, he didn't choose this life.

And soon they arrived to the diner. "Come on let's go Finn." Caleb says. "Can I please wear my glasses?" Finn asks. "No. It's suspicious." Caleb says and Finn huffs. They both exit the car and find the entrance to the diner.

He sees her. And she sees him. From afar Finn can see her shifting uncomfortably.
They walked over to the table. "Hey Sade's!" Caleb greets. "Oh my god! Hi Caleb! Millie this is Caleb. Noah this is Caleb." Sadie's says. "Hi guys, so excited to meet you. This is my friend, Finn." Caleb says, both sitting down. So her name is Millie? Finn thought.
His name is Finn? Millie thought. Finn and Millie sat down across from each other. They both stared at each other. Not one of them breaking eye contact. "Uh Finn, what do u want to order?" Caleb asks, pulling Finn out of the "staring contest"

"Hm? Oh I'll just have fries and a chocolate milkshake." Finn replied. "And you? Millie?" Sadie asks. Sadie knew what was going on. "Same as him." Millie says.
"Okay! I'll be back with your orders soon." The waiter said. "Were y'all having a staring contest?" Noah asks. "For sure" Millie said, "yep." Finn says.
Finn was confused for the most part.
He knew something was up with Millie. Shit does she know??? Stop overthinking finn. Its fine.
"Have you two met before?" Noah asks, suspiciously. "No, Noah. We haven't and I'm happy to have met him. If you think anything is wrong, nothing's wrong." Millie says casually. Finn looks at her and slightly smiles then quickly puts his head down.

"So guys, you heard of the new festival going on soon?" Caleb asks. Finns eyes widen, already thinking of what can go wrong.

"Hell yeah! You going?" Noah asks.
"Well duh. Its fun!" Caleb says, excited.
"We'll be going maybe you and finn can meet up with us." Millie speaks up, causing a glance from Finn.
"What do you say, Finn?" Caleb asks.
"Yeah of course, sure it'll definitely be fun!" Finn says hiding the fear and annoyance in his voice.

A few minutes later the waiter comes with the orders....

"Oh my god I love fries!!!" Sadie says in excitement. "Fat ass." Noah says.
Both Sadie and Millie punch Noah's shoulder. "Ow!" Noah says laughing

While the others are talking, Millie and Finn are both silent. Finn decides to speak up. "What's your age, Millie?" Finn asks, giving a warm smile.

Millie looks at him and says "I'm 17. Turning 18 soon." "Oh that's cool, I'm 18 already so yeah." Finn says
"Do you like Hawkins?" Finn asks
"Well yeah, I grew up here. It's pretty fun not gonna lie." Millie replies.

Maybe this wasnt so bad after all. Finn thought to himself.
"Hey maybe we should exchange phone numbers? You know to keep In contact?" Finn asks. Millie looks at him and then she slightly smiles and says "yeah sure." Both exchanging phones and putting their phone numbers in.

The group and the duo, talked and laughed. For once, Finn felt human.


HELLO THERE! I havent updated in 4 days. I've been thinking the story through! Hopefully you liked this chapter.

Finn never really talks to people, he never really laughs or talk. And in this chapter something changed for him.
He felt human:)

Please leave feedback it would mean a lot! Until then. See ya! :)

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