Chaper 2 🍩

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And now here I am five months pregnant and about to tell Draco. 'Draco can I talk to you about something later' he look worried but nods 'I'll meet you in the RoR 20 minutes ok'  'ok' I said and walked to the RoR and asked for a room. 20 minutes later Draco came in looking scared 'Are you breaking up with me?' He asked, I shook my head 'Draco I'm pregnant' I said with a smile, he looked shocked 'Is it mine' he asked sounding bitter. Did he really just ask that 'Of course he's yours news flash I've only had sex with you'  I snapped at him 'do you think so little of me' i asked with a sadness when he didn't answer and to say I didn't take it will is an understatement 'You know what Malloy to hell with you, my baby and I don't need you, and here I was hoping you'd be happy to have a baby a specially a son.'  and I went to leave. But he grabbed my wrist 'your not taking my son from me got that we are going to work though our problems and we're going to be a family' I got my wrist away from him 'Our problems, your the problem Draco, and why should I raise him with you when you think so little of me I'm the mother of your first child, you had to ask if you were the father, you have know idea how insulting that is when I gave you something so special to me I gave you my heart, my first kiss,I even gave you my virginity for crying out loud, Draco and now your acting like I would spread my legs for someone who gives me a second look' he looked really guilty now 'you know what Malfoy, I really wished I gave my virginity to someone who doesn't think I'm some cheap whore, so my son and I are leaving.' He looked hurt my statement 'Harry wait please I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you or make you feel less then you are. I know your not a whore in any sense of the word, your the love of my life ' he's said, I clapped my hands at him 'Will that's great for you, now we can be a happy family despite the fact you practically called me a slut' I said sarcastically. 'Did you know my friends don't talk to me because I'm having your baby, they think I'm stupid for keeping him. And may am but I did because I thought you would happy because you always said you would love to have a family, was that a lie just so I'd sleep with you. You know what Malfoy I'm leaving talk to me when you get you shit together and then you can meet your son'

'Harry please before you leave can I tell you why I asked' I sent him a dirty look 'fine you have two minutes before I leave' 'ok the reason I asked was because I over heard a guy in seventh year taking about  how he got with a guy called Harry about five months ago and judging by how big you are and the first time we had sex your about five months along. And they've been a thing ever since, then not even an hour later you wanted to talk and told me your were pregnant'  'So you thought I'm a slut that cheated on you and I'm fat thanks' I rolled my eye and went to leave ' What was I supposed to think Harry' great now he's trying to put this on me ' nothing of it Draco you were supposed to trust me and if you had turned that corner you would of seen jack telling me that, he was talking about Harry Anderson'  you could tell he was trying to get me to stay with him 'Harry please don't leave let me make things right, and if you don't want to be with me after this that's fine just five more minutes' he pleaded 'fine' was all I said and went to sit down 'Harry you mean the world to me your the love of my life for crying out loud and I feel terrible that I made it seem I thought you were a whore when it's the farthest from the truth of anything I'm the whore, please let me make it up to you we can do whatever you want just please don't leave and split our family.'

I looked straight at him and said 'What I wanted was my boyfriend to not think so little of me to be excited to be a dad and to have a family, but what did I get my boyfriend question my loyalty to him and question my baby's true father.' He looked like he was going to cry and it broke my heart ' I need time Draco give me a week that's when my next appointment is you are more then welcome to come it's Friday at 10:30am' he smiled 'I'll be there'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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