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ugh, i get tired of defending my opinions from humans. if you don't agree with my opinion, please don't try to convince me it is wrong. it is an opinion, sure, it differs from yours, but it is an opinion. (not directed at anyone here, ahaha, I just needed to have a tiny rant about that.)

anyways, here is another marvel thing that no one asked for.

y'all remember how in infinity war, wanda, the "strongest" avenger had to be saved by two women who had no powers at all. natasha and okoye saved her. They are the strongest together and shouldn't be called the strongest alone. wanda would've most likely been killed by proxima midnight in infinity war if nat wouldn't have came and helped her. ahaha, i may just be biased because natasha is one of my favorites, but i think that i am partially right. it is 5am so maybe i have no clue what i am talking about. anyways, rant over, but surely more to come.

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