Introducing to Kevin

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In Miss Bustier's class, everybody is seated and the door starts to open too. Mr. Damocles walked in with Kevin.

Mr. Damocles: Miss Bustier, you have a new student in your class.

 Damocles: Miss Bustier, you have a new student in your class

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Miss Bustier: Oh yes. Come up here. *Kevin walks up to Miss Bustier, and Mr. Damocles walks back to his office. * Everyone, I would you all to meet a new student in our class today. Say hello to Kevin Spears. *Everybody said hi to Kevin. * Tell us about yourself, Kevin.

Kevin: I'm 15, probably the same age as some of you are, I live in San Francisco, California, I've been to Paris before; as a visit that is.

Miss Bustier: Thank you for sharing, Kevin. Why don't you sit next to Lila in the back?

 Why don't you sit next to Lila in the back?

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Kevin: Thank you. *He walks up the steps and sits next to Lila. Lila looked at him. *

Lila: Hello, Kevin.

Kevin: Hey.

Lila: I sense you know a girl named Marinette.

Kevin: Yes I do.

Lila: Well... I want to do one thing to her.

 I want to do one thing to her

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Kevin: And what's that?

Lila: I want to make her life miserable, so miserable, she won't be going to this school anymore.

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