Alix's party

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At Alix's house, people were having fun, dancing, talking, and eating.

At Alix's house, people were having fun, dancing, talking, and eating

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Kim: Hey, Alix. Happy birthday.

Alix: Thanks, Kim.

Max: Where's the present table?

Alix: Right next to the cake table.

Max: Okay. *He goes to the present table and he has some fun too. *

Alya: Hey, Alix

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Alya: Hey, Alix.

Alix: Hey. Glad you made it. *She hugs Alya and Nino. *

Nino: Hey, did Adrien come here?

Alix: He's over there with Chloe. *They looked at Chloe and Sabrina by the snack table. *

Alya: You invited Chloé?

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Alya: You invited Chloé?

Alix: No. I invited Sabrina, she brought Chloé as her plus-one.

Alya: Typical.

Nino: I'm gonna go say hi. *He goes up to them. *

Alya: Is Marinette here?

Alix: No. Not yet.

Alya: Okay. 'Where are you, girl?' *Outside of her house, Marinette and Luka walked up to the front step. *

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