Chapter 10: Trapped

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Sophie's POV
Slowly, everything blinked into focus. There were voices. Sophie's eyes were burning with pain. As she looked carefully across the room, she saw her friends, Fitz, Biana, Linh, Wylie and well Glimmer, tied up with thick metal cuffs and straps on their mouths which prevented them from talking. Sophie tried to hoist herself across the room, but she let out a muffled grunt and was dragged back by the chains. "Leaving already?" A terrifyingly familiar voice said as something zapped her. She screamed in pain and tried to recognize the voice. But it was too easy. It was Gethen. As she regained consciousness, she looked over to her left. Vespera, Lady Gisela, Gethen and two other probable Neverseen members were there. Lady Gisela stalked over to Sophie and hissed, « Let's get her talking. » She ripped the strap off Sophie's mouth and said, « Now moonlark, consider this especially carefully. Answer, now. » « Never! » Sophie yelled. « Very well » Lady Gisela cackled as she motioned to the others towards Sophie's friends. They unsheathed multiple daggers and woke up her friends. They each placed their knife on one of Sophie's friends's throats. Gethen held Fitz, Vespera held Biana, and the two others held Linh and Wylie. Lady Gisela then observed Glimmer. « Send that traitor to the torturing room » She smiled evilly. A Neverseen member dragged Glimmer off as Lady Gisela held a knife to Sophie's throat. « Now, consider carefully. Tell me everything I want, and you'll stay alive here. Fail to do so, and I will kill you and your friends. But not these four first.I have some other special guests for you. » As Lady Gisela finished, an imparter showed Dex and Stina locked in a room, tied up. « Finish them! » Gisela declared through the imparter. A person on the screen appeared and threw off a hood. Sophie felt everything spiral and tears slip down her cheeks. Standing there, about to kill Dex and Stina, was none other than Tam.

Muahaha that was evil wasn't it? Now, I'll continue, and don't worry too much!

« No! » Sophie screamed. Gisela cackled and pressed her knife slightly, causing her to writhe in pain. «Silence moonlark! » She yelled. Fitz grunted and tried to escape Gethen's grasp. « Don't. Hurt. Her! » He screamed. "Ah yes, if it isn't the little boyfriend. He must be an excellent way to make the moonlark talk. Call off, Tam. Gethen, kill the Vacker boy first." Lady Gisela spoke with vileness. "This is your last chance. Tell me everything you know about the Black swan and the Councillors's plans. If we discover you hid something, we'll kill you." Vespera hissed. Tears streamed down Sophie's cheeks as she looked at Fitz. His voice whispered across her mind. "It's okay Sophie. Don't tell them. I don't matter as much as everyone. But before, I wanted to tell you that I..." "Hold on! Where is the Vacker girl! Where is she?!" Vespera shouted. "You let her go?!!!!!!" Gisela yelled. "No. It's much worse. The little creep vanished. Why did none of you say they had a vanisher!?! This makes things much more complicated! We have a vanisher on the loose" Just as Gethen finished, an invisible fist knocked him out.
Biana's fist.

Hahaha there's a cliffhanger! I will update tomorrow! So I told you Biana was going to be super important in the following chapters :) Did you enjoy this extra cruel chapter?

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