Chapter 11: The Truth I

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Valarie's Pov.
I go into rose and my room to see her crying on her bed.

Valarie: Rose what wrong?

Rose: Valarie please l don't want to talk about it.

Valarie: But .....

Rose: No. ( She yells ) l going for a walk.
She goes out.
Valarie comes into their living room dorm.

Sparkle: What happened?

Valarie: l don't know she doesn't want to talk to anyone right now.

Rose POV.
I walk into a nearby forest to get some fresh air. I sat near the river and got lost in my taught.

Mike Pov.
I went to Alfea to look for Rose. I wanted to talk to her and tell her how l really feel.

"Knock, knock"
Valarie : Who is it.

Mike: It's me Mike.

Valarie: What do you want,by this time of the day.

Mike: l here to see Rose.

Valarie: Well you can see that she is not here.

Mike: Oh umm . Do you have a clue about her whereabouts.

Valarie: Ok I have Two things to tell you.

Mike: Sure what is it.

Valarie: First near the river near gloomy wood forest.

Mike: Thanks and the second thing.

Valarie: Hurt my best friend and l'm going to blast you with all the energy l can muster.

Mike froze for a second.
Mike: Umm Sure sis.

Valarie: Good.

I leave and go to search for her, lucky for me she was exactly where Valarie said she would be.

Mike; Rose l .....

Rose: What didn't l tell you to stay away from me.

Mike: Now Rose is that any way to treat the person that saved your life.

Rose: I thanked you and that's more than enough.

Mike: Oh really.

He grabs her by the waist and holds her tightly.

Rose: Come on Mike not this again please let me go.

Mike: Not until you tell me why you acted the way you did in the library.

Rose: I don't have anything to say to you.

Mike; Up to you then, cause l'm holding you like this until you talk.

Rose; Don't you have anything better to do.

Mike: Nope.

Rose: Oh Mike come on let me go I'll do anything, except what you just asked me.

Mike: Anything?

Rose: Anything.

Mike: Fine l let you go on one condition.

Rose: What condition is that?

Mike: Go out with me.

Rose froze at what Mike said, This really was a very difficult choice. Is either she went out with him or told him a deep dark secret she was hiding for three long years and by the determined look on his face she was sure he wasn't going to take no for an answer. So she decided to take the second option and go out with him.

Rose: Fine.

Mike: Really.

Rose: Yes, now can you take your hands of me.

Mike: Oh sure sorry.

Rose: So when do we meet and at what time.

Mike: l don't actually know, but just keep in mind that you owe me a date.

She nobs and goes back to her room.

The End
Of Chapter 11 (Eleven)

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