Chapter 5

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I was crying my eyes out in the toilet in my house for some reason. I didn't know why I was cry. There's were many possibilities, I managed to escape my mum, I just wanted to let my bottled up feelings out, mum is not home so I could cry a bit before I get reprimanded for crying for no reason, and refute by saying she should be the one crying because taking care of me is tough. There is really so many more reasons.

I looked around the space to get clues for what was going on. I was sitting by the toilet seat, in front of me is the sink. I with limited strength tried to pull myself up so I could get birds eye view on my situation. My legs could barely hold me up so I grip onto the sink hard to stabilise myself. Scanning my area wish hard. The tears fogged up my vision, I have a pounding pain in my head.

I've looked around for quite awhile now. But not sign or evidence for what I am doing here crying my eyes out. Suddenly, there was loud banging on the door. My head whip towards the direction and knew it was mum. But this situation was strange my head is still pounding so I took quite awhile to realise more than one person banging the door! It was like a group of 6 people hitting the door! Chills ran down my body.

"Oh no. Mum has company! But who is it?" I panicked and started thinking of possible people. As the seconds went by, the banging on the door became louder and louder! I backed myself as far away from the door in could possibly get and I shrink into a ball shaking and hoping it wasn't who I thought it was. I am so worried sick. Just then, the people behind the door stopped banging. I heard someone trying to put a key into the keyhole. "Shit! she found where I hid it. I'm definitely done for." I whisper screamed at myself. The door clicks. My heart skips a beat. I see someone rushing in! I quickly ducked my head and screamed!

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" I got up from a bed, I was panting and sweating quite profusely. It took me a few moments to realise that everything that had just happened was a dream. My surroundings were dark, it was late at night and I'm sleeping soundly on the bed? Suddenly, the lights in the room turned on. The glaring light blinded my sight, I shield my hand in front of eyes to allow it to adjust to the new lighting in the room. A blinked several time, and saw a figure rushing towards me. The more I blinked the figure got clearer. I got utterly shocked when I saw who it was, and his face looking at me concerned.

Yoongi's POV
When we reached the hospital, she was quickly being pushed to the scanner room to evaluate her condition. I wasn't allow to be there when the doctors went. They told me that I can wait in the waiting room and willing inform me about her condition as soon as her scans are done. I complied in defeat and waited in the waiting room. Every second that pasted felt like an eternity. My elbows were supported by my thighs, my hands clasped together, squeezing them tight. The longer I waited the more nervous I got. My palms were sweating, I was praying so hard for her to be alright.

The same doctor came out and I rushed towards him "How's she?" I couldn't tell the doctor is hesitating to tell me something, I started having a bad feel bought her state right now. "Sir, all her vitals are stable and she will be put in a ward after some stitches for the larger wounds." I breathed out. I didn't even realise I was holding my breathe when the doctor was talking. But I was really curious on why he had to hesitate telling me the information. The doctor then raised a question to me, "Did you know she has been harming herself? Some stitches weren't from the beating, and there's scars everywhere." I unknowingly got goosebumps from the question. I honestly didn't know what to reply. "Thank you for telling me that" and I walked off with a slip of paper in my hand to the room Y/N will be in soon.

I decided to take a pit stop at the hospital canteen because I needed something to eat for being so worried sick. I bought bread and went to the ward.

When I reached the ward, I was still a little worried about her condition. I took a deep breath while grabbing the handle to open the door before I went in.  As the door was revealing what was on the other side, I could see her, sleeping soundly. I eased up a little knowing she's resting.

I didn't want to leave her just yet, I want her to be actually well. I decided I will stay with her until she gets discharged. I brought a chair towards her bed, I rearranged her books in her bag. While arranging, I saw knife blades just hanging out in her bag, a lighter, and some pills that were definitely not anti-depressants. I kept them all with me, so nothing can happen as of now. I flipped through even more, then she was suddenly breathing heavily. I got scared of course! I stood up, trying to wake her up from I am guessing a nightmare. When she finally woke up, I quickly went to turn on the light in the room. She was dazed for awhile. When her eyes got uses to the light, I could see the shock in her face. Right I brought her to the hospital.

hi:) i'm finally back writing.. I left this app for a while.. I have been trying new things... sorry it took so long for an update and i was shocked that so many people loved the first parts! TYSM! I hope I can upload more chapters in the near future!
Please lmk if there are any errors in my sentences!!
Everyone! pls stay safe during this pandemic!
Also, I am actually a fan art sortha... Please support me there as well!
@/1ov3_namgi (the first letter is one)

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