Secret Admiration [Makoto x F!Reader]

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I can't focus on what needs to get done

[y/n] held the tip of her pencil in her mouth, tapping her fingers on the desk and swiping her feet back and fourth across the floor. Nothing or no one had ever made her this nervous before.

I'm on notice hoping that you don't run

But her eyes just kept wandering, thoughts drowning out the teacher's droning about things that were far less important. What was important was the angel sitting a little way away from her, just sitting there with a placid look, gaze catching the view every so often and fluffy hair so imperfectly perfect.

You think I'm tepid but I'm misdiagnosed

Honestly, who was better than Makoto Tachibana? She thought he was cute in elementary and middle school, and that admiration from afar had turned into a full-fledged lovestruck fascination.

'Cause I'm a stalker I seen all of your posts

[Y/n] had recently been getting back into swimming, and honestly, seeing the swim club bursting with passion and training so hard had drawn her to the competitions. So she found herself going to their every event, cheering them on with a few others from the school.

And I'm just tryna play it cool now

Though she had never got up the courage to say much to him, it was sad. She had even made herself acquainted with his buddies, but not him! No, it was only him that messed up her senses, hand-eye coordination, everything, goddamnit.

But that's not what I wanna do now

But no, it was going to happen soon, [Y/n] suddenly decided, quickly looking away from the gentle giant's form and staring at her desk, unknowingly beginning to bite the end of her pencil out of solid determination. No more shy glances and silent appreciation. That's old news now, it's been so long since you first fell hard. It's your time to shine now, feelings.

And I'm not tryna be with you now, you now


You make it difficult to not overthink

[Y/n] had tried to be as suave and normal as possible when coming up to the swim club, mostly aiming for conversation with Gou, because it was a little difficult concentrating and she needed someone she had known and actually spoken to a bit longer beside her. "So, I... I was wondering if you would accept my request to become your co-manager!" She had attempted not to stutter out, but ended up with cheeks that flared up with nervous energy, and a jittery feeling in her lungs.

And when I'm with you I turn all shades of pink

Most of their faces were surprised, then slowly melted into looks of joy. Adorable. Nagisa and Gou looked most ecstatic about it, excitedly accepting her in and making sure everyone else was in agreement, even peaceful, placid Haru. [Y/n] was beyond flattered by the affection, a happy smile sitting upon her face. Finally! Swimming was an interest of hers even though she couldn't imagine herself ranking internationally, so becoming co-manager and throwing around plenty of pointers and helping them improve was going to be enjoyable.

I wanna touch you but don't wanna be weird

But I mean, [Y/n]'s world fully froze and the words died in her throat when she was met my Makoto's happy expression, emerald irises looking down from his height and looking beyond pleased. "We're so happy to have you, [Y/n]! I'm sure Gou would appreciate the help a lot." Even though it wasn't particularly a lot, it was more than enough for [Y/n], and her smile turned into a joyous beam and feelings exploded in her chest, all the satisfied emotions bubbling up and making it hard for her to breathe completely normally.

It's such a rush, I'm thinking wish you were here


Being in the swim team was such a blast, honestly. Though they were all a little weird in a good way, [Y/n] really was growing on them all. Of course having Makoto around a lot was a little difficult for her, she was trying to stay in-control of her feelings at the moment; not wanting to rush into anything though she had liked Makoto for years. Actually, it felt a little too strong for the word 'liked'. Loved, maybe. But that didn't make any sense, they hadn't interacted enough for that. Right? They were only teenagers, she wasn't very sure yet.

But I could be your crush, like, throw you for a rush, like

But then, came the day. It was after the nationals tournament, the last one the iwatobi swim club would participate in before the third-years graduated to college, and let's just say it was a very memorable one indeed. [Y/n] was fully in tears, to say the least. Never, ever, since the day she became part of the club as co-manager, would she think she'd seen a race like that before. Their past tournaments were all the sight of course, but now after talking with them and training with them she understood truly, and it just made it so much more special and emotional for her.

Hoping you'd text me so I could tell you

Now, it was afterwards, late in the day, and [Y/n] was still slightly choked up. But there was a smile on her face, and a sweet look in her eyes. She was just so happy for them, she could hardly believe it. All the things they'd done to reach this point...

"Hey, [Y/n]!"

I been thinking 'bout your touch like,

Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch

She flinched, jumping almost a foot in the air in shock. Jeez, Makoto should know not to scare her like that! How could he, a fellow wussy? "Ah, you scared the living daylight out of me, Makoto!" she whimpered, gripping her shirt and trying to slow her rapid heartrate. "Oh, sorry! I'm just... still really happy." The angelic smile on his face was more than enough to get her to forgive him, and clearly also enough to coax her into a confession. I mean, at long last, right? She might as well, they were all going off to college soon. It was pretty much now or never. "Look, Makoto. Not to freak you out with the seriousness, but I kinda need to talk to you." She spoke with the softest chuckle, nervously playing with her sleeves. The emerald-eyed boy was slightly taken aback, then nodded, a small, tiny smile on his lips. "I think I need to talk to you, as well."

I could be your crush, crush, crush, crush, crush

"So, I mean, I think I'll just say it straight out." [Y/n] took a deep breath, snapping her gaze back up to look at Makoto, a terribly anxious squiggle of a frown on her lips and widened eyes, full of worry but still letting herself go through with it and speak.

I got a fascination with your presentation

"I've liked you for a long, long time, Makoto. Like since middle school, and even though I was pretty young, I'm still young and dumb now, and I'm still sure of how I feel. Though that's not the only reason I joined the swim club back then, I'd been coming to every one of your tournaments before that and was really happy for you guys. I still am, but like... by now, I think I feel a little bit more than like towards you. Like admiration, like more than appreciation, like-"

Making me feel like you're on my island

It all came out so quickly and [Y/n] was still rapidly searching for words to describe it, literally anything would work. She just wanted Makoto to know exactly how she felt, for better or for worse. And, well, I think he got it now.

You're my permanent vacation

"-Well anyway, I mean! Sorry, I'm blurting this all out so fast, but. I don't know how you feel about me and I'll be totally fine if you don't return anything-"

Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch

But then, like they had many times before, the words died in [Y/n]'s throat. Makoto was smiling so brightly, a warmth spread across his cheeks as he gently held her chin up so their eyes would meet comfortably, hands carefully wrapping around her and surrounding her with that familiar scent of cologne. "[Y/n], it's okay. I think I can definitely say the same for myself, though both of us really have waited for too long. I love you too." And that's when their lips connected, every bone in [Y/n]'s body lost the will to live, and fireworks exploded in her stomach and lungs. At long, long last. Good things come to those who wait, I suppose. But it was neither here nor there [Y/n] or Makoto believed in such sayings. Needles to say, they went off to college happily, hand-in hand.

I could be your crush, crush, crush, crush, crush

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