Part 3

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"Tell me everything" Bree demanded as we got our coffees from the take away stand.

"There's nothing to tell. We started talking and then we..." I trailed off thinking of the night I spent with Zed.

"And then you fucked each other's brains out?"

"Umm... I mean, maybe?" Bree slapped my arm and we both burst out laughing.

"Addison Welles, I am so proud of you. Does he have any cute friends?"

"Probably, he's cute so his friends must be cute by association." I suggested.

My day went on like every other day in college. Lectures, mock trials, a rushed lunch, more lectures. Why did I decide to study law? This thought crossed my mind a thousand times a day. My day finally ended at six o'clock, almost everyone on campus was gone. There were a few groups of people still hanging around. I stopped into the coffee shop for my fourth or fifth coffee of the day, being a law student requires a lot of caffeine.

"You know that stuff isn't good for you?" A voice said from behind me. I turned around to see Zed standing there, with that smug smile I was getting to know all too well.

"And who are you, my doctor?" I teased, turning back around to order. "Can I get a flat white and a..." I turned back around to Zed to see what he wanted.

"I'll have the same." He smiled at the barista.

"Two flat whites." She typed into the register then moved away to make our order. I tapped my card before Zed could hit the machine with his.

"Thought you said this stuff is bad for you?" I mused, smiling at him.

"I don't have to take the advice I give out, perks of being a doctor." He teased.

"Here you are." The barista said, putting down two take-away coffee cups, she smiled sweetly at Zed. I picked up my cup and he thanked her and winked.

"You're such a flirt." I scoffed. He laughed and held the door of the coffee shop open.

"I think this is yours." I said, holding out the take-away cup.

"We got the same drink." He said, sipping his coffee.

"Yeah, but I don't think the barista wanted me to have her number." I held the cup out to him, written on the side was a phone number with the name Sally beside it.

"Hmm... maybe I'll call her." Zed teased looking at the number on the cup.

"You're an asshole." I rolled my eyes. He laughed and put his arm around my waist, pulling me into him.

"Unless I have a better offer?" He smirked.

"Oh babe, I'm your only offer or not at all." I replied.

He leaned closer to me, his forehead pressing against mine. "So, what about that girl I couldn't get out of my head all day?" His lips were so close to mine, I could smell the coffee on this breath.

"What about her?" I whispered.

"She's beautiful, smart, has a great ass." I laughed at this but he continued, moving his lips so close to mine they were almost touching. "I just have no clue why she brought a guy like me home."

I couldn't wait any longer, I broke the small space between us and kissed him. My tongue moved into his mouth, he tasted like coffee and mint. His free arm wrapped tighter around my waist. Butterflies filled my stomach and I pushed harder into the kiss. Zed pulled away breaking the heat of the moment. "Slow down there hot stuff, you'll make Sally jealous."

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