Eyes Closed - 31

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I'm still not sure how to react... the situation deescalated so fast It's jarring. If he'd killed someone just minutes ago... how would we move on? But what is there to say now that it's over? I'm not going to prevent anything from happening... I'm thinking maybe it's time to get somebody else involved. Maybe a therapist could do him well... or something... I've no idea.

I crawled out of his arms and sat in front of him on the bed, then looked up at him and sighed. "What is on your forehead?" I squinted, leaning forward. "Are you bleeding?" I paused. He seemed equally confused and reached to wipe the spot I pointed to, then looked down at his fingers. Oddly enough, he brought it back up to his face and sniffed it, then nodded. "It smells like blood, is it still bleeding?"

I leaned closer and shook my head. It was just a spot I suppose. Tord wiped his fingers off on his jeans then checked his arms for any scratch marks. I rolled up one of his sleeves, only to find nothing and pull it back down, trying to help. "Yeah wait-" Tord grabbed my wrist and we looked at my hand. "Some came off on your hand..." He said in a low and concerned tone. "It must be on the outside of your sleeve." I looked closer, but the red color of his jacket made it impossible to see just where it was.

"How did it get on my head? And why is there blood?" He stood up and kept checking himself for any marks. "You might've scratched your head or fixed your hair or something." I stood up as well, a little concerned. "That's really strange..." He took his jacket off up and over his head, then folded it into a ball and went back to the stairs as I followed. He threw it in the hamper by the laundry room them did a third round of checking to make sure he wasn't actively bleeding. "Does anything hurt?" I didn't see anything either.

"Not at all. I have a high pain tolerance, but I'm still sensitive to things that are touching me or effecting me. Like I could feel a blade against my skin, it just wouldn't hurt as much. Gruesome example but it was just to explain." He nervously chuckled. "I know what you mean. I'm the other way around." I walked over to the kitchen sink and washed my hands, then dried them with a paper towel. "Anyway... It's nice having the place to ourselves hm?" He added.

"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to text my parents about staying the next few days, though my mom will miss me so I feel guilty." I followed Tord to sit on the couch. "What's your mom and dad like?" He asked, and I smiled a bit. "My mom is very caring to the family, as I mentioned she owns a bakery. I help work there sometimes. My dad doesn't like her bakery though, since she took a large loan out to pay for it. As they get older my father worries about the debt, since It'll be passed onto me."

"Oligarchy." Tord scoffed. "Oh hush you communist, it's not like that. If anything the opposite, it just sucks that shit gets passed down so much." I sighed and rolled my voids. "We can agree to disagree." He grinned, which made me tense up a bit. "Hey it's okay, everyone has opinions~" He cooed, sitting up straighter. "Just some of them are wrong." He continued, humming smugly. "Tell that to Sweden why don't you?" I snickered. "Hey we've learned from their mistakes!"

"Oh but not your own?" I slyly added on. "It's not like the UK is any better, stabby stab stab!" He laughed. "Are you a child? America's got guns, we've got knives, and you've got communism. Yours is more deadly than ours!" I crossed my arms. "Our rates are MUCH lower though." He insisted and got closer. "Only because London itself has a higher population than your ENTIRE country dumdum." I retorted, pushing a finger to his chest.

"How?" He smiled a bit, looking into my eyes, focusing. "I don't know, London is a pretty busy place..." I stammered, confused. "How are you so cute when you get all passionate?~" He added, leaning forward and kissing me deeply. It was so out-of-the-blue that I went into a state of shock before relaxing a bit and going red. He ran a hand to the back of my head and held me close, both of us with our eyes closed.

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