Chapter 12

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Katsumi was leaning against one of the pillars that helped hold up one of the many buildings at Cherryton. She tilted her head back to watch to the sky above turn from a fading blue into a dark yellow that didn't last long before the world around her became burnt orange. The hybrid enjoyed sunsets almost as much as she did sunrises. Nothing calms her more than watching the sky change its appearance in a matter of minutes.

Once the sky settled on its color, for the time being, Katsumi allowed her eyes to close. The girl let out a sigh when she thought about why Louis has called her here. She knows it has to be about the play. He didn't say much to her after the curtains closed or even after the curtain call. She wasn't sure if he was upset or just lost in thought. She thinks the deer carries way too much on his shoulders at times and could stand to loosen up a bit, but who is she to talk? Katsumi's mind is always on one thing or another and never seems to give the girl a rest.

Still, though, she can't help but let her thoughts wander back to the moment the two's eyes locked on stage in front of a good chunk of the student body. She wanted to leave the stage and leave Louis to his time in the spotlight, but he called her back. In that moment she felt like they shared more than the stage, but similar feelings. She quickly dismissed the thought and labeled it as madness. It's true that her feelings for the deer are stronger than ever, so much so she basically admitted it in her attempt at acting. Unfortunately for Katsumi, she knows nothing will or can ever happen between the two no matter how much she wished it could; she knew better than anyone that just because you wish for something to happen doesn't mean it will.

Katsumi felt a hand rest itself on her shoulder but didn't have to open her eyes to know who it was, "Louis." the hybrid could hear him approaching her and could smell his distinct scent of laundry detergent mixed with cedarwood. It was an odd scent, but compared to the overwhelming smell of smoke and death the market constantly emits, it was a pleasant change.

"Hey," the deer breathed out, retracting his hand, "I asked Bill and Legosi to meet us here."

Katsumi opened one eyelid and peered at her friend with the hardened expression and furrowed brows, "So, it is about the play then."

He scoffed, "Of course it is. What they did was unacceptable."

Katsumi finally opened both her eyes and looked forward and the empty yard with the occasional student rushing from one building to another, "I agree that the way Legosi handled the situation lacked subtlety on every level, but he was not wrong to act. Bill," Katsumi shook her head in frustration, "he really could have hurt somebody. We don't know how he could have reacted to the blood, and in a room full of herbivores no less."

Louis eyed his friend as she was clearly disappointed in the tiger, "Still, the fact remains that they both behaved in a way that the drama club cannot support."

Katsumi chewed her left cheek and nodded at Louis's statement. As usual, he was right. They both need to see some consequences to their actions that aren't of the violent form. Katsumi did hurt Bill with her blade, but she made sure not to cut him deep enough that it couldn't heal on its own without the need of stitches; she wanted him off the stage, not in a graveyard.

"Speaking of the play, though." Louis began, catching the girl's attention, "I had no idea you were so good at improv, Katsumi. Where did you learn that?" he smirked

Katsumi let out a short snort, "From you." she said to her friend who gave her a confused expression yet still smiling down on her, "I played make-believe with you every day for almost two years. You really think I didn't pick up a thing or two?" she returned his smile with one of her own.

Louis's expression softened and brows rose, "You remember that?"

Katsumi met Louis's hazel eyes that were only complimented by the effect the setting sun had on the sky, "Of course, I do."

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