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This story isn't about getting revenge or justice it's about it's about the unseen constant struggle with an overpowering internal threat that distorts you from the inside out you see this is a story about a exhausted man.
John woke up from his bed on Saturday morning in 2020 in California wearing boxers and looked at the mirror his scars and his six pack and he yawns with his Green eyes and brown hair he gets dressed for his first day at school. As he goes downstairs he notices his parents are at work he gets money from selling his videogames and walks to the comic book store with his contacts in and his essentials with him in a small bag on his back wearing a black shirt and pants he sits down on the grass.
He mutters "fuck I forget I have therapy today" he looks at his pocket watch I gotta few hours he buys the comics and goes to therapy and sits down waiting for his turn reading Batman comics. Dr. Rios walks out and looks "ah John how are you? I see you brought yourself comic books very cool, please come in" he gestures his left hand towards the door while holding Johns file. As he sits down and lies the comics by his side with Dr. Rios sitting in front of him he says "okay since it's out first day let me say we are here to discuss the present not the past understand?" John nods as the Dr continues and opens the file "so you have depression, social anxiety and anxiety yes? That must be hard on a daily basis tell me do you have friends?" He sets the file down and looks at John in the eyes. Silence fills the room but John speaks up "it's hard especially since I'm going to a new school now Doc at my old school I didn't have any friends I was bullied daily and I don't have a social life I mean I've had girlfriends before yes" he laughs and looks at the doctor. Dr Rios says " hmmm seems like school is a struggle try your best your first day is Monday yes?" "Yes it is I'm nervous" he replies. The doctor continues "tell me John why do you think you have these problems? I mean you do workout daily and try hard on your grades I know everyday is hard because you've never had real friends." He looks at John as he replies "I mean it is hard but I'm a tough son of a bitch, I am a Ambivert as well as used to being alone no one has taken the time to get to know the real me. They believe rumors and there brains are apparently to small to think for themselves hopefully this won't happen at the new school Doctor." A year falls down Johns eye as he mutters "I'm seventeen years old when I'm eighteen I want nothing to do with my family I want to be free..." He looks at the doctor and before he can ask what he means by that the bell rings. "Oh well that's our time for today a pleasure to meet you John." They shake hands "Likewise Doc"
John leaves with his comics and as he walks home he hears someone screaming "HELP ME SOMEONE!" He looks at the alleyway were a old man with a few bags of groceries and a few men trying to grab the bag away from him like three cats trying to steal from a old dog. He walks toward the ally and yells his voice full of rage "LEAVE HIM!" The men look at John armed with a steak knife and one with a crowbar and the other with a .45 handgun. One wearing a black mask and the others wearing black hoodies. "What the hell do you want kid?" Pointing the gun at him was the guy wearing shades he demands "DO YOU WANNA DIE TODAY!?" John bursts out laughing hard and they get startled by his response and he replies "it's not death I fear" Shades walks towards him pointing the gun to his head his finger itching to kill John as he says "well get ready to be scared" John could hear a voice saying you deserve to die anyway said his Depression but another screamed kick his ass! John kicks Shades in the dick and punches him not pulling the punches and hits him in the face and his friends heard the crack of his jaw as he fell to the floor unconscious. He grabs his hood and pulls him towards the wall with a slam and kicks him in the face hard. The other two run towards John with the intent to kill him. The first one swings the crowbar to John's face and he ducks dodging the attack and hits him in the chest three times and grabs his arm holding the crowbar and throws the guy over his shoulder as he lands to the floor with a slam. John then grabs the crowbar and swings at his arm and breaks it "AHHHH YOU BASTERD YOUR INSANE!" He yells in pain and the third guy looks at John scared and runs away. The old man who witnessed everything comes out and says "thanks kid but man your ruthless like a wolf without a pack huh he laughs you did save my life thank you for that" he smiles at John "now go home I'll call the police and make sure they know everything hmm" he picks up his groceries and looks back "say kid what's your name?...." He notices John was gone before he could finish his sentence.
John sneaks in his room through his window and falls on his bed struggling to breath "well fuck that was intense he laughs I gotta tell someone I can trust." John looks at his phone and texts this girl he likes Vonnie but there is some doubt that if he ever asks him out she will say no because why would she ever like a guy like him....John looks at his phone and attempts to text her "wanna go out with me?" His hands tremble unaware if she will even say yes or if he's good enough. He decides to workout and puts the pull up bar on his door and proceeds to do one handed pull ups and push ups and goes for a 5 miles jog. Running and working out helps with the pain he writes in his journal Dr. Rios gave him and goes to sleep. Monday morning John wakes up and gets ready for school and sees Vonnie he waves and she waves back and she walks to him "hi John how are you?" She smiles at him making his face red as a tomato and he thinks of a joke "so I had a dream and this girl and me were at a ranch and she's all you smell like horses and I replied shhh the horses will hear you." She Burt's out laughing that's really dumb but funny and he laughs with her but thinks Horses can hear you WTF was that ugh you dumbass! "Soooo I was wondering ummm blushes would you like to go to a ummm...." The bell rings and she says "sorry John I got to get to class have a good day I'll see you later okay" she smiles at him and goes to class.
School ends and John walks home listening to Billie Eilish and texting someone that has been there for him since 5th grade Alexis. John told her what happened with the three guys in the alley she replies to him "I'm glad your okay but please be careful John" he laughs reading the text careful where is fun in that? He calls his friend Randy next as he arrives home in his room "Hey I need a favor I need u to be my eyes and ears. Got that?" "What the hell have you done now?" Randy exclaimed "nothing relax it won't get me killed then mutters not yet anyway..." Nigh time with Johns homework done and his mindset okay for now as he writes in his journal he puts on a Kevlar Bulletproof Vest his brought on the internet for some protection and a hoodie with a black mask covering his mouth black pants and running shoes he puts his pocketknife in his pocket and his phone in his front pocket and his Wolf hat on as he climbs out of his room walking to the streets. Minding his own business as he walks down the streets he calls Randy "get the hell up and let's get to work the night is long and there's work to be done!" Randy turns on his police scanner and explains "alright hahaha let's see OH FUCK robber in progress two blocks away GO GO GO!" John broke out running and got to the scene at a Gas station the sign read Gas Me Up! With a few cars in the parking lot and a motorcycle John out Blue contacts in his eyes to make sure no one sees his real eyes. He walks in and sees a man in a skull mask pointing a Assault Rifle at the lady behind the register "LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS BITCH OPEN THE REGISTER AND EMPTY THE MONEY NOW!!" He yelled at her and shot the ceiling a few times Bang Bang Bang! John took grabbed a bottle of Vodka and before the assailant could react quick enough, slammed it over his head with a loud Crash as it hit his head and he falls on the floor. "Here is all your money call the cops immediately" John explains the lady behind the register calls the cops and John takes off his mask to see a 25 year old man with dog tags named Jose and a tattoo on his left hand with a Spider on it. The lady at the register thanks him but before John could say it wasn't a problem Jose aims the gun and shoots Bang!
The bullet shot John in the chest the best caught the impact but it still was painful gritting his teeth he looked at Jose with Rage in his eyes and muttered "I just brought this fucking jacket you cunt looking asshole!" He tackles Jose to the ground and grabs his head slamming him to the ground a few times until he lost conciseness. John gets up puffing for air "FUCKING HELL" He mutters and disassembles the rifle takes out the magazine and pulls the recoil back and makes the bullet in the chamber fly out and tosses it to the corner. The lady behind the register looks with fear and says "who the hell are you?" John looks at her name tag and it reads Belle and replies "well Belle just call me Wolf" and points to his hat and walks out still in pain from the bullet which is stuck in the Kevlar. "JOHN JOHN WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED ARE YOU ALRIGHT!? YOUR NOT DEAD RIGHT? IF YOU ARE I CALL DIBS ON YOUR VIDEOGAMES!" Randy said unaware if John had survived and he explains "relax got dammit I'm alive there was a guy named Jose he had d...dog tags...e...ex military armed a Assault Rifle..." he struggles to breathe "I...I got shot...the Kevlar caught it just in time" "Are you alright!? Catch your breath!" Randy explains "stay where you are I'll be down there stay there I'll need to hurry the cops are on there way!" Randy picks John up before the cops get to him Randy looks at him as John is covered in blood with the bullet stuck in him and a few cuts on his arms "sooo rough night huh hahaha" John looks at Randy's and bursts out laughing "ya man he puts his arm on Randys shoulder "Christ man thanks"
They arrive at Randys and John sits down and gets takes off his shirt so Randy can stich him up "a few cuts nothing to severe he looks but the bullet left a mark here" points to his chest with a black bruise "puts ice on it tell me about the guy" he says so John can get his mind off the pain
*Ex military knew his way around a gun in his twenties he looks at Randy He had this Spider tattoo on his left arm" John lies on the couch "night man I'ma sleep on the couch wake me up tommorow is Saturday I gotta go to the comic book store and then Therapy." Randy wakes up says "I went to ur place and got u new clothes and hid everything from last night in your room in the attic you made for ur secret stuff" tosses John the clothes and he goes to get changed he touches the scar in between his scars and abs sighs "John be careful getting dressed and undressed and take it slow today I'll stay here and keep watch if anything happens" John heads out and puts his earphones on in a black shirt and pants and shoes and walks down the street wearing a hat because depression is like a shadow it's always there and this morning he didn't care about fixing his hair. He arrives at the comic book store and buys Hit Girl and Kick Ass comics and goes to therapy at Dr. Rios office and sits down "okay John so we last left off on..." he looks at John his eyes open wide "what the hell happened to you" John quickly replies "it was a rough night can I tell you? Last I checked this was a safe place yes?" The Dr looks at him "yes tell me because it looks like you got in a fight."He then explains what happened with the old man all the way to Jose at the Gas Station. Dr. Rios looked at him in shock and takes a breathe "well you saved that man and stopped the store from being robbed bravo but you used lethal force and nearly got yourself killed on two occasions it seems your okays so far but what if there bigger or quicker" John laughs "I may not be the Fastest or the Strongest but I can always be the Most Prepared for any situation Dr...." "Alright tell me how did school go? Make new friends? Meet any cute girls?" John felt his face go red "umm..yes I did her name is Vonnie we have each other's information but we're just friends." His face blushed more and he covered his face and giggles liked a five year old "ahhhh were just friends..." The Dr laughs "are you sureeeee you seem to have feelings for this girl." John replies " I do but I gotta wait for my chance because I'm not the only one with stuff going on in my life but if we date I will treat her like a queen because the same girl I love will be the same girl I will fall in love with tommorow she's perfect in my eyes"The Dr looks at him and replies "interesting and oh John have a great day or should I say... Wolf" John walks and decided to call Bonnie "hey John u ok? What are you doing" he stutters nervous "hi hey hi yes me is John hi yes ahahaha hi ehhh hi yes I'm ok I was wondering ummm would you like to get McDonald's??" His heart beating like a train track the butterflies having sex to make more butterflies in his stomach. "Oh I would love to but I'm doing homework I'm so sorry John but, you could drop it off?" "Oh of course sure sure ya."
After he buys Vonnie McDonald's he buys Orchids for her to and walks to her house and calls "I'm here where should I put these??" Unaware if he walks right in or has to sneak in through her window "hmmm you could put them by my window it's around on the side." He looks around until he finds the window and she opens it wearing a hoodie and shorts he looks down nervous because he has never been to a girls house before "hi John tanks for the food and what's behind your back?" She tries to take a look and he starts to blush "I....I got you Orchids..I remember you told me there your favorite..." She looks at him "wow you remembered huh interesting well thanks so much your so kind*she takes them and places them in a vace with water and turns back to him "so I uhh gotta get back to homework but before you go..." She hugs him tightly thanks so much and kisses him on the cheek and his heart stopped beating and his face went red and he was embarrassed. "Aww your face your blushing omg that's adorable hahaha well she looks at him bye John have a great day but I'm pretty sure I made it better" he replies "ya you always do to be honest with you." They smile at each other "well I have to get going bye John she smiles"
As he walked home thinking about what happened with Vonnie his face went red again, then he was getting a call from Randy. "Sooooo how was the pull out??" He bursts out laughing John replies "pull out? You mean when I parked ya it was hard why??" "No you dumbass with you and Vonnie did you fuck her yet? The coms were on so I heard everything by mistake." John sighs great just great he thinks "well she kissed me on the cheek which I thought would never happen and I'm not the only one with stuff going on in my life, I'm on my way back to your place we gotta talk about Jose and what the Spider tattoo was about."
Randy turns on his computer and accesses the dark web "alright here is what we know so far the old man and those guys did they have the tattoos on there hands? Jose is ex military with training clearly do you think he was working for someone? He glances at John "you gave him brain damage when you hit him like a hammer hitting a nail until it stuck deep in his brain Jesus Christ John!" He sits down on the floor and looks at Randy "I will do what I must even if it means not pulling my punches anymore..." Randy sits in front of him he is him looks him dead in the eye "he is in the hospital with police outside his office. Now I pulled his file and he begins to read it to John.
"JOSE FRONT AND CENTER! TAKE DOWN THOSE CUNTS NOW!" The Sergeant yelled at him as Jose ran for cover the bullets flying around him as he looks around he sees men under his command dropping like flys. He sees a way to the LZ and takes his rifle in his hands and runs towards the landing zone to clear it shooting anyone that came in his way Bang Bang Bang. When he is pushed to the ground by someone by the force of a grenade that was thrown. He gets up his ears ringing and his adrenaline kicking in he yells behind cover with a knife "COME ON COME ON!" He stabs one in the necks and uses him as a shield as the bullets hit him Jose tosses him to the side and uses his handgun to kill the remaining men. Making his was to the LZ with the Sergeant behind him and what's left of his battalion. BANG before he is able to get to the chopper he gets shot in the head the bullet shooting through the left side of his brain. The men are able to get him in the chopper assessing the damage the bullet made "Jose listen you've taken a hit to the head you are going to be okay! He looks at the medic "he's ruined Sergeant he may be in extreme emotional distress or EED that puts his brain in a fight or flight moment thanks to the bullet." The medic explains to the Sergeant and Kernal.
"Apparently he went AWOL took his training and went to do some work of his own back home but he can't tell the difference between good or bad anymore he may have left the war but it never left him." Randy closes the file and looks at Jose "apparently the war was over Uranus and two cheeks that look like a butt." John looks down "I need to find out who hired him who he works for now." "There is something going on tonight at the docks though you could intervene." Randy explains. He stands up gets a arm and knee pads puts a his Wolf hat on with his phone charged. "Oh somethin came in the mail he smiles it was supposed to be a surprise but here!" Randy hands him a rifle and a knife with a bullet proof polythene saying "the rifle emits a tranquilizer rounds, and real rounds if you need them and has fingerprint that scans your hands only as well as the knife the vest comes with a taser inside the wolf signal at the center should anyone get close to kill you" He wraps the rifle around his back and outs the knife on his waist and spray paints the vest with a wolf signal and the sleeves with claws and puts on kevlar gloves which are also cut resistant. Randy takes a look at John "well someone is ready for a fight happy hunting John"
The docks Thursday night 9pm John gets out of a Uber payed the driver $60 dollars "whatever happens stay here understand!" He says to the driver he nods. John then gets his equipment from the trunk and cocks back the rifle and goes to a vantage point on a nearby roof. His lungs the bass and his heart the drums he looks in the scope and calls Randy "alright I'm counting several men, armed machine guns and assault rifles." He looks around more "I see a man with the same spider tattoo on his hand Randy I'm gonna look into it!" He takes a shot on a guy on the dock by the water Bang! He falls in the water with a splash. "That's one down 6 left I shot him in the shoulder he should live and be able to swim" he tells Randy "alright take it slow breathe don't rush this." John comes down from the roof and holters his rifle taking out his knife and stabs a guy before he can shoot his gun he grabs his arm and hits him in the face and stabs him in the gut slowly turning it and whispers "what's going down tell me or I will make a bigger tear in your gut and the next one goes in your fucking eye!" "T..t..there's a shipment of explosives you won't be able to kill all of us!" He grabs his hair and slams it into the ground knocking him out cold. As John continues to stab and shoot them he leaves two left. "There's two left the rest are gonna be in the ICU Randy I didn't kill them not unless I have no choice to...." John holsters his gun and knife and walks in with his fists kicks down the door it lands with a loud thump. The two men point guns at John "Boy have you injured and nearly killed all my men!?" He demanded his voice full of grief and rage. "YOUR GOTDAM RIGHT I DID!" John says smirking as he walks closer ."I won't hesitate to kill you boy stand down now!" Pointing the gun to his chest as he forces John to his knees as he cocks back the gun...Bang! John grabs the gun in his hand as it goes past his head to the wall. He grabs his knife from his waist and stabs the man in the knee cap and takes it out and tosses it to the other guy hitting his neck almost killing him. "Stand up and tell me who you work for because right now I'm the only one who can get him to a hospital in time so" he puts the rifle to his chest. "How quickly you decide to talk is up to you. So what's explain." Holding his leg from bleeding out he looks at his partner who is bleeding out a puddle forms at his feet. "We are all ex-military these tattoos on our hands Spiders given to us by the Russian Mob! They gave us a way to make money and provide for our families man please don't kill us we all got people to support please! I'm begging you!!" He gets to his knees "I am not going to kill you...." He slams the rifle to his face pushing out his eye and breaking a few teeth he screams in agony "AHHHHH JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" He holds his face screaming louder and louder. John leaves and has Randy call the cops and they're able to arrest everyone and putting them all in a hospital.
Back at Randy's 12pm "so Russian Mob? Wow that's unexpected." John cleans the blood of his rifle "ya it is but ex military Jesus Christ how far does this go.." he then lies on the floor using his jacket as a pillow and texts Dr Rios saying I'm coming early tomorrow morning Doc he looks at Randy "therapy tomorrow wake me up got it" he puts the rifle by his side with his knife. Friday morning he takes a shower which is a hour long because deep down he's lonley he's always been alone. Walking to the Doctors office he texts Vonnie going to therapy today want to hangout after school? Arriving he sits down and explains everything at the docks. The Doctor explains "you don't kill which is good but even you have to admit it's gotten out of hand the Russian Mob? But how are things with Vonnie?" John starts to blush and he explains "I brought her flowers Orchids and McDonald's and she hugged and kissed me." He laughs "interesting seems she may like you who knows do you have any plans for today?" "I'm thinking of inviting her over but I've never had a girl over to my house so I'm nervous." The doctor looks at him "don't be nervous who knows she may introduce you to some friends? Have fun and enjoy yourself but how's the hunting going?" John looks at the floor "I killed or injured more then a few of this guy's men they were ex military who not work for the Russian Mob..... apparently I bit off more then I can chew...." Tick tick tick seconds pass and the doctor says "listen John go have fun with Vonnie alright? Worry about these guys later." As he walks to Vonnies house he sees three people Erica, Ronnie and another guy by her place. Vonnie walks out "hey guys John meet my friends Erica and Fannie!"
As John introduces himself to Vonnies friends and hangout with them they sit and watch a movie. John sits on the couch his social anxiety kicking in and Vonnie sits close to him knees touching. "Glad you could come to hangout today I missed you" Vonnie explained to John his face went red because he was surprised but not only surprised but that someone actually missed him. "S...sure anytime" he says. Are you gonna make a move? Are you gonna hold her hand? Scooting closer she rests her head on his shoulder. Omg omg omg omg omg omg his brain says to him this is happening omg play it cool. John holds Vonnies hand his heart racing. They hold each others hands tighter she looks at him and he looks back and they smile and share a moment. A text then appears on John's phone from his therapist he looks at Vonnie "I'm sorry I have to go" he gets up to leave "we can hangout another time ok" he holds her hand thinking God I don't wanna let it go but he does and he leaves saying goodbye to her friends as well
Randy calls him "John robbery near you at the gas station but go to change there's a restaurant there use the restroom and get out through the window!" John gets suited up as Randy fills him in "there seem to be a few men a driver same guys with the same spider tattoo armed with assault rifles and shotguns go and check your bag I put a handgun in there to a silencer with it to if you ever need it." He pulls out the gun with detail on the gun and a wolf on the hilt on it and it's serial number scratched off he cocks it back and puts it in his holster "here we go" he mutters

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