from City girl to country mother

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Last we left off, Jose and Lena were cuddled up. But it's been nine months later and Lena is having the baby. PUSH BABY PUSH!!" Says Jose to Lena as she tries her hardest to push the baby out. The doctors all help pulling the baby out but can't get to it. The doctor looks at Lena as she's breathing heavy.

Doctor: ok Lena we have a problem.. he doesn't want to come out so we'll have to open you up.

Lena: You mean a C-section??

The doctor nods as Lena starts to cry closing her eyes. Jose is right beside her holding her hand as she clutches him harder, feeling the tear of her skin from the blade. She screams in agony as they pull out the baby. "It's a baby girl" says the doctor. Jose and Lena's eyes tear up as the doctors wipe the baby down for them to hold.

Lena: I wanna hold her.

The doctor gives the baby to Lena as she smiles looking into her baby blue eyes.

Lena: hey beautiful. God you look just like ya Daddy.

Jose: But got Mama's eyes. What you gone name 'er

Lena: Josie. Or sunshine.

A month goes by and Lena is able to come home. Missing the view of the golden field that Jose works on everyday, she goes out and walks through it, running her fingers through the wheat as she has sunshine in her arm drinking milk, and Jose in the house cleaning getting ready for dinner. She comes back in and gives Jose a kiss. The family was happy as could ever be. Jose gets a call, it's the Corp who wants to buy his bar.

Jose: Hello? Ok.. Yeah I can do that. That's fantastic I'll be in first thing in the morning. Ok bye.

Lena: Who was that?

Jose: remember those guys why tried to fuck us outta our money n'business?

She nods.

Jose: they backed out and now a new agency wants to help us go ahead and expand the business, making it more then what it is now! We might be able to pull this off along with the hotel.

Lena: I'm down.

Jose kisses her passionately and then kisses sunshine on the cheek.

Lena: We made a beautiful child. N' sum say she'll inherit this. Might even start her own.

Jose: For now we just let the universe take charge over it till she's ready to make her mind up.

They go lay the baby down in her room and they rest in the living room cuddled up on the couch till they fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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