Singing is My Life-Chpt 3

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Everyone was asleep except for Finn and me.

"Hey Finn, why do you think they did this? I thought you said Rachel was mean." I whispered to Finn.

"I don't know. That's why I'm so confused." he replied.

Rachel's POV

"Yes, yes she's better than me now will you please take her to your stupid little Vocal Adrenaline thing?" I asked Jessie.

"Sure but why should I be doing you a favor?" he asked me

"You're not doing me a favor. I'm doing you a favor by telling you about her and how to take her since I don't want her here. You can't lose if you have her on your side." I said

"We won't lose anyway!" he replied typical Jessie too full of himself. I thought to myself.

"Will you do it?" I asked one more time.

"Yes. But isn't she going out with Finn?" he asked

"Yes! You're much hotter than Finn so it shouldn't be hard, now go and take her away please." I said.

"Ok, Bye." Jessie said and he hung up.

"Rachel who are you talking to? It's like 2:00 in the mourning" Ray said not knowing what the time really was.

"Oh nothing, I must have talked in my sleep. I'm sorry I'll try to stop doing that." I replied trying to make up a good comeback.

"Goodnight" I said

"Goodnight" She replied.

Ray's POV

That's weird I thought she must still like Jessie but she was talking about making me go away. OHHHHH!!! She's going to make Jessie take me away! I can not let that happen. Hehehe she said me and Finn are dating! That makes me happy!!!

"Hey Finn, are you still up?" I asked.

"Yea, what you want?" he asked with a groggy voice.

"Um, I was just wondering if we wanted to make it official." I asked

"Yeah, Ok" he said still groggy.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you more." He said without any grogginess at all. With that I fell asleep, Rachel's conversation totally forgotten.

The next day at school while I was getting my binder from my locker Finn came up behind me.

"Hello beautiful." He said while planting butterfly kisses from my shoulder to my lips. His lips started lingering on mine. I had to break up kiss.

"People are starting to stare." I said

"So? Let them stare. Let them watch what true love is." He said in between kisses. This time I could make him stop. We made-out until the bell rang.

"I'll see you at your locker next passing period." He said while giving me a goodbye kiss. I then walked into my class without the teacher noticing I was late. She was too busy scolding a bad kid. I had just slipped into my seat when I saw Rachel slowly raise her hand. Oh no I thought she's going to rat me out and I'll get a detention! No she can't! She wouldn't!

She did! She told the teacher I was late and I had to go to the tardy table! I know, I know that I'm in High School but we still have the stupid middle school "Tardy Table". I went to it and then went back to class with a tardy slip.


Have you ever had detention? It sucks! It's so boring!!! But I survived. Then I ran into Rachel.

"You're not welcome here! You know that right?" Rachel said with her "possy" behind her. (Rachel's Possy- Kurt, Mercedes, Brittany, Santana, Puck, Mike, Matt, Quinn, Tina, and the rest of the Glee Club.)

"We hate you and we all think you should leave!" Quinn said.

"Why?" I said. Those saying that had really hurt my feelings.

"Because you took my Ex-man and because you took his -she pointed to Kurt- his want to-be man!" Quinn yelled at me.

"Ok, I'll leave then." I said while crying. I ran out of the room crying. How could they have just said that to my face? That hurt me so much!!! I started to cry harder. I jumped into my car and sped through the town. I sped through spot lights and I sped through stop signs. I ran into different states. After a while I stopped caring where I was going on what the cost. I just ran and ran and ran in my car. Finally at 2:00 in the morning I started to go back to Ohio. I got back into the city and went to my house. It was 5:00 in the morning when I got into the house I just fell into bed. I'm not going to go to school any more. I don't care anymore. Then there was a knock on my bed room door.

"Hey, it's me Jessie James. Your dad let me in. I'm from Vocal Adrenaline." He said.

"I know who you are." I said in a groggy voice since I had JUST stopped crying.

"Can I come in?" Jessie said.

"Sure, my life is already ruined." I said starting to cry again.

"Hey don't talk like that. I know how the kids from New Directions haven't been very nice to you. I get that. I'm here to offer you the top spot in Vocal Adrenaline. We need a new top singer and Mr. Shoe said you're the best singer. You're even better then Rachel I hear." He said.

Even though they've been REALLY mean and rude to me, Finn is in New Directions and I don't want to mess us up. I have to stay true to our team!

"No, I have to stay true to my team and Finn" I stood up, wiped the remaining tears away.

"Here's the door Jesse" I said with venom.

"You know, I didn't want to take you on our team, but I owed Rachel a favor. She never said you were this rude. And just so you, were not on first name bases." Jesse said as stormed out of my room.

"What was that all about?" Uncle asked right as the door slammed.

"Jesse wanted me to join their team but I turned him down." I said feeling a little happier.

"Good for you Ray! I'm proud" Uncle said and gave me a one-armed hug.

"I'm going to go to bed. Can you call the school and tell them I'm sick and can't go today?" I asked putting on the innocent eyes.

"sure, you've had a rough morning."

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