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carnevale - carnival

It's quite funny how people can make you do things. Things out of your will and satisfication to their demands. Things that make you want to punish yourself for forcefully accepting its counter-offer.

Things Dante asked Vergil to do.

The older brother peacefully got home after completing a boring hunt-a-demon job when he was greeted with the unwanted enthusiasm of his brother.

"Thank goodness, I'm itching to tell you something."

"Scratch yourself." Plus the usual 'leave me alone' expression.

"C'mon, don't be a party pooper! Come with us."

"I am certain that I'm not obliged to. And if I ever am, I decline. Now let me rest."

"You'll be missing out the fun."

"You'll be missing my self-control."

"Jerk. C'mon. It'll be your first time, so you're free to give me your merciless evaluations afterwards. Also, feel free to destroy the whole thing if it won't entertain you at the very least."

"You? Betting that big? Tell your teacher that you've successfully applied your poor gambling skills and luck to other shenanigans. I won't be surprised if you end up losing."

"And you said you gain joy from watching me fail."

"Which is why I am now considering saying yes to your offer."

"Harsh, but fine. I'll give you a minute to decide."

"Where are we going, exactly?"

"A carnival."

And like the usual, Vergil sorted the pros and cons of tagging along his brother's shallow source of entertainment.


"A list concerning my ridiculous brother" # I surprisingly lost count

Subject: Carnival

1. Seeing him lose?
2. Possible killing spree
3. New experience (like what the fuck)

1. My precious energy
2. My precious time
3. My precious patience


Vergil never went to inside an carnival before, but he knows that it is a place with rides people find dangerous yet fun, with games of chance and skill here and there that people actually find amusing, and lastly, with people. Irritatingly happy people.

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