Chapter 16

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Y/N looked at him with  a panicked look - she hadn't even noticed that they were there. She recoiled away from Shinsou, looking back behind them through the door and spotting them disguised at the back of the hall. It wasn't long before her hand was grabbed and she was being dragged away again, past dimly lit corner stores and a few people smoking cigarettes under a bridge.

"Shinsou! Tell me whats going on!" she snatched her hand back, looking up at him with a stern glare as she caught her breath. He looked down at her, raising his hands up defensively. 

"There were dangerous people in that bar. I'm taking you back to mine. Please, you can trust me." He breathed out, extending a hand slowly towards her. God, he was both nothing and everything like what she remembered. She grabbed his wrist, feeling his hand close around her own wrist as he continued the fast pace throughout the city.

She shivered from the cold air, hoping they would be back indoors soon. She looked back behind her, seeing toga's bun peeking from around the corner at them. A sigh left her lips at the sight,  turning away and continuing to follow Shinsou through the night.

They came to a nice looking house, Shinsou opening the gate and leading her down the driveway up to the front door. "Leave your shoes here, please." Y/N nodded and shakily kicked off her flats, watching as he fiddled with the lock and opened the front door. She ducked under his arm and went inside ahead of him, sighing from the warmness of the house and rubbing her arms. 

He rolled his eyes, locking the door behind them and throwing his keys on the counter. "I'll get you something to sleep in. Just stay in the living room for now." He went upstairs, leaving Y/N alone in the entry way. She looked around, walking through the house and plopping on the couch in the living room. She pulled out her phone, humming softly as she texted Toga.

"Hey Togs, I'll be home tomorrow. You can order some late night food on my laptop. Stay out of trouble."

She sighed, turning off her phone and chucking it on the cushion next to her. She rested the back of her head on the couch, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression. Why were they there? Were they making sure she was safe? Hopefully. 

She was yoinked back from her thoughts by Shinsou returning from upstairs, who was holding a pair of sweats and a black t-shirt. "This is all I have, sorry. You can get changed in the bathroom upstairs." He threw the clothes at her face, smirking like a little bastard and walking back upstairs.

She snorted and wiped the clothes off her face, gagging overdramatically and snatching up the clothes as she stomped up the stairs and into the bathroom. She tore off the hot and itchy uniform, pulling on Shinsou's t-shirt and then attempting on the sweats and watching in dismay as they just fell to the floor again.

"Thicc bitch..."


Y/n walked out of the bathroom, tugging down the shirt a bit more even though it was plenty oversized on her already. She saw light coming out from another door down the hall, and knocked loudly before letting herself in. "Shinsouuu, your pants are too big. Chill on the squats." She threw them at his face, sticking out her tongue at him.

He grunted and pulled them off his head, his face flushing at the sight of a sleepy y/n wearing his shirt. "I umm... Well, maybe you need to work out more." He coughed, looking away and scratching the back of his head. 

"haaaah?? Excuse you but these thighs make me plenty in tips a day. So HA." She folded her arms, glaring at him with an evil glint in her eyes. He looked back over at her with an exasperated look on his face, his mouth tight with disappointment.

"Is that really a healthy job for you?" He asked, running a hand through his hair and groaning. "You know, you could do so much better. You're quite good at singing."

She stammered a little, not sure whether to be offended or flattered. "No way in hell. It's a curse." She walked over and sat on his bed, yoinking one of his pillows and hugging it. "Why do you care so much about me anyways? I'm just your waitress."

He gave her a small smile in return, looking over at her fondly. "You remind me of someone I knew. At least, thought I knew..." His expression fell, looking down at the ground. "You're like her and also nothing like her. You look similar, act completely different, both good at singing..." He sighed, scratching his neck again. "But you can't be her. You have different names and I haven't seen her in years... She might even be dead by now." He choked up, sniffing and quickly wiping a tear from his eye.

Y/n's face fell, looking over at him with a sympathetic frown. If only he knew. She was right here. 

But he couldn't.

"I'm sure that she thought of you every day you were apart..." she sighed, shuffling closer to him and smiling. "Maybe one day you'll even find her again."

He laughed, rubbing his tired eyes and looking over at her. "There's no way." He looked away, trying to hide the red of his face as y/n got closer. "A-anyways, let's do something else... Up for a movie?" She nodded, scooting into the back of his bed and wrapping the blanket around her like  a cocoon. Shinsou snickered as he grabbed the remote from the beside table, turning on the tv and clapping the lights off. 

He sat next to her, scrolling through netflix and picking a random horror movie and settling into his own blanket. Y/n silently panicked on the inside, being easily jumpscared and wrapped the blankets  tighter around herself as the movie started.


After the sixth yelp came from y/n, Shinsou sighed and looked over at her cowering form under the blanket cave she had created. He almost felt pity for her patheticness, poking her in the head and snickering. "You good?"

He was taken aback by y/n suddenly grabbing his hand, expecting her to bite it or something but being pleasantly surprised when she just kinda.... held it. Her hands were warm compared to his own cold ones, creating a nice middle temperature where they could hold hands comfortably. 


They were holding hands.

Shinsou's face flamed up, clearing his throat as he looked back at the movie with wide eyes and tried not to panic. Y/N was panicking almost as much as him, but for different reasons. He looked back over to her, his face sweating as he observed the hand hold tm. 

It was nice. He tightened his grip on her hand, taking a dangerous leap and pulling her closer to his side. Y/n basically froze, her attention now focused on the compassionate position they were both in. She was silently screaming in her head, staring at their hands in shock and shrinking further into her blanket. 

Shinsou was the same - silently screaming and looking dead straight towards the tv. He hadn't felt this way in years. His heart was racing at the thought of having someone special again, someone who made him feel this way. He smiled like a  huge idiot, glancing over at her and freezing - she was asleep. ohfuckohfuckpjfuck pokfchvam

His heart raced as he turned off the tv, gently placing the remote on the bedside table and slowly laying her down in the bed. He tucked her in, taking a blanket and pillow downstairs to sleep on the couch because Hitoshi is our respecting women king.

He was soon curled up in bed, his mind racing with thoughts of the night before him. He smiled softly, his eyes drooping closed as he faded away from consciousness. 

A/N hey!! i stayed up til one am finishing this so i hope yall enjoy uwu,,, i made a very gross mocha earlier with like half a teaspoon og sugar and a bunch of mini marshmallows so im living off of that currently. Gn lovelies especially u bix i love u v much mwah

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