Chapter 19

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Hours later, after Shinsou's discovery, the morning light was peeking through the curtains in the window of Y/N's apartment.

He was stressing about what he was going to do. Y/N, the girl who had betrayed him and everyone else all those years ago, was F/N? It seemed impossible - F/N was kind, funny, and unassuming. Y/N, however, was a witch. She had tricked him and everyone at U.A.

The school traitor. His high school sweetheart. His crush from the cafe.

He groaned, running his fingers through his hair tiredly and looking over at F/N - or Y/N. Maybe it was a coincidence? But that didn't explain how she had given him a fake name... Either way, she was hiding something. And he would find out what it was since she was finally waking up.

A yawn sounded from her sleeping form, arms stretching high above her head as she arched her back. She looked so... peaceful. He took in a deep breath, readying himself for the possible debate that was to come. 

"Mornin, Hitoshi!" She said, eyes still closed as a small smile lingered on her face. Crap. She used his first name. He coughed, readjusting his posture and taking another breath.

"I think we need to have a chat, Y/N."

She silently panicked - did he find out? If he did, she needed an excuse - and fast.

"For sure. What's up?" She opened her eyes, trying to sit up a bit more professionally and smoothing out her hair. She offered him a kind smile, to which he got an anxious look on his face and turned his eyes away.

"Why is the name on your house documents different than the name you gave me?"


"It's... Also the name of the girl. The one I told you about. The U.A traitor."


Y/N let out a sigh, staring down at the floor. She mustered the courage to look him in the eye, gripping the hem of her blanket.

"I... gave you a fake name for that reason. Once the news got out, and I realised we had the same name, I took on an alias. I was scared people would confuse us, because we looked so similar."

Shinsou raised a brow, not expecting this answer. He didn't seem to buy it completely.

"If it makes you feel any better, I have photos of me in highschool." She stood up, walking over to a cupboard and pulling out a yearbook she had kept.

Sure enough, Shinsou found her picture and name in the yearbook - and realised she couldn't be the traitor. Her hair was shorter than she ever had it in highschool, and there were photos of her in club pages. He sighed, scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry for suspecting you. It's just, you do really look similar, and with the same name..." He gave her a sympathetic smile, averting his eyes. 

"Yeah, I get it. I'd be suspicious too. But don't look around in a lady's legal documents!" She flicked his forehead, heading off to the kitchen to make them breakfast.

In truth, the excuse was a lie.

The yearbook was photoshopped, quite expertly too. She was wearing a wig in the photos. The league had made it in case something like this had ever happened and it compromised her safety. Luckily, Shinsou appeared to buy it.

He came up behind her in the kitchen, peering over her shoulder at the bacon and eggs she was crafting in the pan. He wrapped his arms around her lazily, making her stiffen and look over at him with wide eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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