"Accept yourself for who you are!"
Taehyun thought he had the world, he had everything needed in life, he thought he was happy, he thought that was the way h...
"HEY GET BACK HERE!" A teacher yelled as he chased down three students that were climbing over the fence. They jumped and landed on the other side as they ran as far away from the school as possible as the teacher continued to yell as he tried to climb the fence, but failed.
"Lets go to 7 Elven and grab some snacks," a blonde boy spoke as he gestured toward the store. The other two nodded as the ran toward the store. As they step inside, the red hair male quickly walks over to a shelf and opens his bag as he gets snacks and stuffs them into his bag. The other two walk around to make sure no one was watching.
"Taehyun could you be any slower?" The black hair spat as he looked at Taehyun.
"Oh shut up Jisung, like you could this faster," he spat back as he zipped up his backpack, "Let's go."
The boys quickly walk out of the store, trying their best not to look suspicious. "What now?" the blonde, Mark, asked.
"Well my parents are off for a business trip for a week, so we can use their car and drive around town, do some graffiti~," Taehyun looked at Jisung with his puppy eyes as the other male rolled his.
"For the last time we are not doing graffiti! We almost got caught last time and almost got arrested!"
Taehyun puffed his cheeks and slightly pouts, "I promise it won't happen again, plus I found a better place to do it without getting caught."
The others sighed as they couldn't say no to this adorable person, "Fine, but if we get caught its all your fault," Mark spoke as he looked at Taehyun, his eyes sparkling as he heard the sentence.
"Yay! Thank you hyung~," he said as he hugged Mark. Jisung looked at Mark and smirked as he saw his cheeks slowly turn pink.
"U-um no prob-blem."
"Lets go!" Taehyun quickly pulled away and started running over to his house.
"YAH! TAEHYUN WAIT UP!" Jisung yelled as they ran after him.
This is life, this is me, Taehyun thought as he looked over to his side to see his friends, nothing could possibly wrong, right?
A boy who thinks he has his destiny set, suddenly loses himself in the lies and fake personalities he tells himself. As he falls deeper into the hole of despair, an angel holds his hand out and helps the boy find who he is truly meant to be. Will the boy truly find himself? Will he be able to escape the Maze of Mirrors and lies to find what he's actually meant to be?
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Kang Taehyun, high school junior (17). Everyone drools over his gorgeous looks, and many guys envy him for how popular he is. Can be really rude and cold, has a hard time to control his mouth, yet could be the sweetest and most caring person you had ever met if you're on his good side (and you're a close friend of his. His father is a CEO of a famous company and his mom is an actress, so with getting in trouble, the school can't do anything as his parents pay the school not to.