One more time

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Akaashi POV

"Bokuto-san..?" I got loose of kenma's grip and walked to him, everyone watched me so it made it even more ugh. 

"akaashi i-" 

I slapped his face, not to hard cause i didn't want to actually hurt him . "let me guess your sorry??" i grabbed onto his shirt and tugged him to my face, "why? Why was it that you just wanted to kill me out of no where?!" he couldn't look me in the eye.. "Akaashi.. i didnt want to kill you, or even hurt you.." "well you did" i let go of his shirt as i walked to kenma, Then he grabbed my shirt and placed his head on my back "please akaashi.. set for me one more time..." i flinched not knowing what to say. Then it hit me.

"find another setter, I will not set you anymore balls Bokuto." 

i continued walking to Kenma. "Akaashi would you just let me explain myself and what happen that other day?" I look over to meet his eye once again. "why should i? are you going to beat me half to death again?" he refused to look at me but instead the ground. "I only want you to hear my part of the story, just a couple minuets please akaashi." 

kenma tugged on my shirt, "you don't have to ok?" i turned and everyone nodded. "two minuets bokuto".

we both sat at some bench viewing the Lake. "Akaashi if you would just listen to me for two minuets i will explain everything.." "go ahead" "I didn't mean to hurt you or even try to kill you, Just seeing you with kenma got me heated. And then kuroo said that kenma could have feelings for you and then he said others had feelings for you and i couldn't take it anymore so i guess i stormed out to get a break from kuroo and to presses what he said." "and then i walked out?" i interrupted. "Yes you walked out and then my mind went blank so i took all of my anger on you, Which don't get me wrong was the bad thing!!" he looked like he was really close to crying. "and then once it was all over i was afraid not only had i just lost you i almost killed you!" yep he was definitely crying. "Bokuto-san..." he got up and brushed off the tears. "our two minuets are up i should get going before i get attacked by setters." "Bokuto-san, listen too me" "see you around akaashi" he just walked out on me...

I told the others what had happen and we continued our day at the lake with lots of chatting and a lot of cake. 

Yet i couldn't get bokuto's words out of my head. Put his anger on me? he was afraid? maybe i should talk to him...

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