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"It's hard to wake up from a nightmare if you aren't even asleep."

Nina's eyes shot open. On her side, her hands were clasped together under her head. She had been asleep. Not just asleep, but peacefully asleep. No dreams, no nightmares, not even a speck of light danced across her closed eyelids. It had been a few months since she's slept so soundly.

Slowly sitting up, the room seemed to move with her. Slightly disoriented, the well deserved nap was surely to blame. Regardless, an uneasy feeling settled at the pit of her stomach. The house was eerily dark. The only thing lighting the room was the ghostly essence of the moon streaming in from the large glass window that encased entire length of the far wall.

Taking a deep breath, she planted her feet onto the hardwood floor. With her hands on either side of her body as support, she stared out the window. The night sky was clear, the moon beamed down, casting light onto the tops of the trees that surround her home for what seems like miles.

She broke her gaze and turned her head, listening.


Standing, she ran her hand through her thick hair as she rounded the corner of her large bed. Suddenly, she stopped. A few feet ahead of her, in the farthest corner of the room was an over sized chair. And in that chair, was something that resembled a person. Maybe her mind was playing tricks on her like it had in the past. A simple pile of clothes could be to blame.

Breathe. It isn't real.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. Remembering to think rationally, just as her father had taught her. 

Slowly Nina opened them. 

To her dismay the figure was still there, forcing a cold chill to flicker up her spine. Realizing the light switch was close behind her, she brought a trembling hand to it. Before her fingers could flip the switch, the figure rose from the chair.

"Don't," he breathed in a warning tone. 

Standing in dark clothes, as to blend in with the night, the hoodie he was wearing covered his head and face. He was tall, much taller than her. His shoulders were broad and his body language was intimidating, "Turn on that light and you might like what you see. Are you prepared for that?"

Nina could hear the smirk in his voice. Breathing heavy, she noticed the light of the moon reflected in something he was holding. Her eyes widened as she watched him spin the sharp blade between his fingers. He noticed her curiosity in it, looking down at the blade then back to her. A small smile spread across his lips, showing his brilliantly white teeth. 

Her fear was amusing to him.

"I've been fantasying about his moment since we've met. You and me, alone in your room. Just the thought of it..." he began to trail off, the pleasure in his voice made her sick, "Well, you know how far a guys mind can wander."

Taking advantage of the fact that he was lost in his own sick thoughts, she looked around the dark room and spotted her phone on the nightstand. She bolted for her bed, swiftly jumping on it to access the nightstand on the other side. Just as she reached for her phone, she was grabbed by her ankles, falling face first into the mattress. Her attacker, keeping a firm grip of her ankle, pulled her down the bed until she was at the edge. He quickly flipped her over to face him. The hood of his jacket no longer concealing his face. 

A small cry emitted from her throat as she knew his face all too well.

He was happy with himself and it showed. His smug smirk made her want to spit in his face.

"See," he breathed, now just inches from her, "I knew you'd like what you see," his knee found its way between her legs and he forced them apart. He used one hand to hold her wrist above her head and the other to hold the knife to her lips, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to touch you," he caressed her cheeks with the sharp edge. Bending down, he inhaled her scent like a wild animal, "Smell you," Nina could smell the alcohol on his breath. The unwelcoming warmth of his lips under her ear made her close her eyes tightly, "Taste you."

"This isn't real," she whispered as she closed her eyes. The sound of her voice surprised him momentarily as she could feel the rumble in his chest.

He was laughing.

The hope that all of this was just a nightmare, was obliterated when she opened her eyes and the face of evil stared back at her. His eyes clouded with darkness, "If this isn't real," he began, dragging the tip of the blade into her throat, slicing just far enough that it began to bleed, "Then this wouldn't hurt."

Nina screamed into the darkness. The pain of the blade cutting into her caused her to wrestle against his strong grip. No matter how many times she closed her eyes, she opened them to the same face.

And ultimately, the same fate.

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