Chapter 1

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Warning: chapter contains mentions of slight torture, kidnapping, strong language


"Get up." Your eyes still hadn't adjusted. "Dios mío." (Oh my god) The man at the door picked you up by your arms. "We're under attack." "So?" You shook the guard off.  He pulled a whip out and whipped you across the back. You stood, biting back tears. "You're going to see the boss."

He pulled you by the arm down to an office with big green metal doors. You recognized it. It was that same god awful lab they took you, your sister, and the famous Winter Soldier in to wipe memories. He opened the door and pushed you in. "Good morning Soldier." Alexander Pierce. He spoke your name was like he was disgusted by the sound of it. "Why don't we get started?" He smiled. The guard cracked his whip again, missing you by mere centimeters. "I'm walking aren't I?" You turned around and sat down in the chair. "You know you don't need to do this." You tried bargaining with them. "What?" Pierce held his hand up to stop the scientists and guards. "You know I'm on your side. After what you did to my sister. I can't fight." You said. Pierce lowered his hand. "Your work, is a gift to mankind. And I need you to do it, one more time." You rolled your eyes.
"Begin the memory wipe." Pierce nodded toward a man with a blue journal in his hand. "What? No! I didn't do anything wrong." You glared up at him as the lab technicians put your wrists in the cuffs. You pulled against the chair, trying to use your powers, but they wouldn't flow past your wrist. "You don't have to do this." You said, pulling harder.

"рассвет" (dawn) the guard said. You snapped your eyes shut. "Don't fight it soldier." Pierce said.

"любовь" (love) you felt yourself slipping into that hellhole of a mind numbing state.

"красный" (red) In your time at Hydra, the one thing you and your sister were able to have, was a single tube of red lipstick. They never questioned it, and there was always a fresh tube left on your bathroom counter. You guessed it was your staple as an "elemental", or so they called you.

"шарлотка" (Charlotte) you felt tears slipping from your eyes. "That's it..." Pierce said. That was your sisters name. It was the one word that always hurt the most. It was the one that worked. The one that controlled you.

"большое горе" (heartbreak) You yelled out, trying your hardest to think about anything other than the words the guard spoke.

You let your mind wander to your life before Hydra had taken you and your sister Charlotte. You'd lived together for years before that, having two loving parents and a nice big house.

"смеркаться" (dusk) You thought about sitting on the front lawn eating popsicles with your sister on warm summer evenings.

"ракета" (missile) you thought of how you helped Charlotte with her eighth grade science project to build a rocket.

"полночь" (midnight) you let out one final scream, taking your mind back to when you'd sleep in your sisters bed when there was a thunderstorm. Or when you'd read each other books at night under the covers with a flashlight.

Midnight was the last word. It hadn't worked. You just had to make them think it did. "доброе утро солдат." (Good morning soldier) You glanced up at Pierce who stared down at you in disgust.

"Готовы соблюдать" (ready to comply) you said, knowing full well you were absolutely fine. The bonds released. You rubbed your wrists, feeling where they'd dug into your skin. You looked up at Pierce.

"Here is your mission soldier. You are to kill all of the avengers, except one. You're familiar with our Winter Soldier, James Barnes. Most call him Bucky," he said disgustedly. "You are to bring him to me. Understand?" He said. You nodded once. "Hail Hydra." He said. You felt tears threatening to fall from your eyes. You looked up at him, trying to give him a look of confusion. "How much memory did you wipe?" Pierce asked. "I said you didn't have to do it Pierce. I'm on your side." You stood up, staring him dead in the eyes, walking right at him.

Lipstick- a Bucky Barnes x reader story Where stories live. Discover now