Chapter 5

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Warning: language :)

You hopped on the Quinjet, and sat down. "Y/n, can you pilot one of these?" Steve asked. "Kinda, I'm not very good though." You said. "Do you think you'd be up for it if I got hurt?" Nat asked. "Sure, that's fine."

The flight only took around an hour, and by the time you arrived, you were on pins and needles.
"That's an ugly looking warehouse." You said. "Ugly warehouses are the least of our problems." Nat said. You unbuckled and looked out the front windows at the tall building below you.

"This is an assassination mission yeah?" You asked. "Yep. And the sooner we take this guy out, the better." Steve said. "Let's make this fun." You said. Bucky looked up at you, slight confusion in his eyes. "How so?" Bucky said. "I don't mean to be dark, first one to kill him wins?" Bucky laughed. "I'm down." Nat smirked. "Are you guys serious?" Steve said. "Yep. Bucky and me versus You and Nat." You said. "At least show a little sympathy for him.." Steve said under his breath. "Steve, we're all ex-assassins. This mission is a walk in the park." You crossed your arms.

   The four of you made your way to where you assumed Marsh would be, the big black warehouse. You and Bucky split from Steve and Natasha to go around to the back side. You and Bucky figured there'd be a 50/50 chance that Marsh would be in the warehouse, so you agreed that coming in from both sides would be best.

You reached the door, and found a big lock on it. "Well now what?" Bucky whispered. You looked over at him, and took your hood off. You held your hand up and broke the lock with your magic. "Aren't you glad you have me?" You smirked. The two of you opened the door slowly, trying to muffle the loud creaking of the hinges.

Inside, there was a large missile sitting in the middle of the warehouse. Your mind shuddered, and Bucky must've noticed because he put his arm around you. "It's okay." He smiled at you. You saw Steve and Nat behind the missile, coming in the opposite door. There was an office near you and Bucky, so he went to go look inside while you watched for any other intruders. Bucky came back, an odd look on his face. "He's in there." He said. "What's with the face?" You said. "He's got someone else in there with him."

"Are they.." "No! No. God no. It's a kid." Your jaw dropped. "A kid? Are you serious?" You leaned over to see if he was being serious. Sure enough, there was a teenage boy tied to a chair. He had a red suit on. "Well what do we do?" "Steve, can you hear me?" Bucky whispered to his comm.

"Yeah what's up?" Steve said back. "This guy has a kid in his office." "What?" "A teenager. He looks...fifteen, maybe sixteen tops. Wearing a red suit, got some blue in it. He's on the young side." You said. Suddenly, you heard a thought loud and clear, saying, 'Dear GOD someone help me..' "oh no." You said quietly, standing up.

Bucky held your arm. "We can't go in yet, we need to figure out what we're going to do in case he runs. "I have all the power in the world Buck. He won't run. Not if I can help it." You felt your powers flare at your fingertips. "Calm down." Bucky chuckled. 'She's cute when she gets mad. Oh no oh no I bet she heard that. Agh think of something else think of something else. How are we gonna get in there without causing a riot.. he can't be alone in this dump..' 

   "He's alone." Steve said through the comm. "are you sure?" You asked. "Yeah, we checked the perimeter of the building to try and stay out of sight, we didn't see any guards around at all." Nat said.

  "Y/n, you need to be the one to take down Marsh. You have the most power out of all of us, we can get the kid. Buck, you help Y/n if she needs it. As for the kid, we're gonna take him back to the compound for the time being. Tony said it would be fine with him if it was okay with the kid." Steve was good at giving orders. "Y/n, could you tell if he was hurt?" Nat asked.

  "I couldn't, but this guy is-" you were cut off by a scream. Instantly, your eyes flared yellow as you dashed into the office. Marsh was hovering over the kid, a knife to his throat. "What the hell?" Marsh shouted. You encased him in the concrete from the floor, holding him there while Steve and Nat came to help the teenager tied to the chair. "Kid, can you hear me?" Steve said, trying to wake him up. "He has a pulse, it's strong, he's just unconscious." Natasha said. "Nat, take him back." Steve ordered.

   "Marsh McGee." Bucky said, flexing his metal arm. "Who the hell are y'all?" He asked. You tightened your grip on him, eyes flaring again. Bucky turned and gave you a look saying 'calm down' so you loosened a little. "We're the Avengers." Steve said. "You fuckers work with shield don't ya? Damn shield. Y'all see my little toy out there? Yeah, I'm gonna fire that bitch straight to their headquarters. 'Was gonna do it too, 'till that kid done disarmed the damn thang." Bucky looked over at Steve.

    The kid has disarmed a missile that should have destroyed thousands of people. Taking him back to the tower may not be a bad idea. "Y/n, we got this, go destroy that bomb." Steve said. You let go, the rocks falling to the ground.

   You ran out of the office, and to the missile in the center of the warehouse. You didn't know much about missiles, but Hydra had taught you how to destroy and disarm one. You bent open the metal, revealing the fuel tank. You broke that open too, and all the fuel spilled out onto the ground. Next was the wiring near the top. You pulled the missile down, and peeked in to see what the teenager had done to disarm it.

    Sure enough, the guy with the red suit had fully disarmed the bomb. There were only a few more wires to snip, before you jumped down to join your teammates.

   "Well what are we gonna do with him?" You asked.
"Hey I recognize you..." Marsh said. You looked over at him. "You do?" You said. "Yeah you're that girl from hydra. Why are you working with these idiots?" He said "I ran. These idiots recognised my talents, like for instance." You encased him in rock again, this time much tighter than before. "Okay okay!" He said. You released him again.

   "I'm done with hydra. It's in my past now." You said. "You sure?" He said. "Excuse me?" Steve and Bucky both looked at you confused. "How do y'all know she ain't still workin with the folks over there? She could be a spy."

  "I don't think she's a spy.." Steve said. "I'm not a spy." You felt dangerous power forming in your fingers. You clenched your hands. Bucky looked down at them, then back up at you.

  "Well you don't know that. For all y'all know, she could still be under the influence of all them fancy mind washin machines." He said.

    You didn't say anything. Bucky took a few steps toward you. "Like I said, I'm done with hydra."

  "Hey wasn't there another one? You had a sister right?" "Yeah.." you said. "What happened to her? She was real purty. I went n saw her one time, but she didn't do what I told 'er to."


"What?" You said, flames beginning to rise on the ground. "Y/n, calm down." Bucky reached a hand out. "Yeah, she didn't do what I said to 'er, so that guard that was guardin' 'er said to kill 'er I-"

"you killed my sister?" You said almost inaudibly.

Marsh just looked at you, an evil grin spread across his scraggly face. "You killed my sister?" You raised your fists, fire threatening to burst from them. "Y/n Stop! If the gas ignites, we'll all be dead!" Steve yelled. You walked over to him, and nearly punched him square in the face, when a hand stopped you.

"Y/n. Don't." He said. You looked around at the flames you'd created, and realized once again the exact reason you hated using them. You watched the power fade from your fingers, retreating into your body.

   "Take her back, I'll deal with him myself." Steve said.

Word count: 1456

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