~Chapter 4~

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Maxus's POV,

It's 9:42 in the evening when Kiminea called me.

"Why are you calling me at this hour? It's already late" ~me

"I'm going to tell you that this Saturday, Mom wants us to go home and visit her" ~ Kiminea

"That's it?"  ~ me

"Hmm, no" ~ Kiminea

"Oooiiiii! Can you please tell me briefly? " ~me

"I just wanted to tell you that you should not run away from the cleaning assignment." ~ Kiminea

"What if I won't? " ~ me

"What if I won't... Hahaha if you won't then I'll tell Mom" ~ Kiminea

"Shiyaaaa! No no no don't" *call ended*

Oiiii why did she have to tell Mom? Pssh.
By the way, the girl who's calling me earlier was not just only my classmate or Class President. She's my twin sister, Kiminea Kazake Montez. Many people thought that we are dating. We didn't tell others that we are twins. I know they won't believe because we have too many differences with each other. She's 4'9, I'm 5'10. that's why other people thought that she's my girlfriend. We're different in the things we like, appearance and attitude. The only thing we have in common is our... FAMILY NAME.

After she called me, I turned the lights off and closed my eyes.

*Wednesday morning*

I woke up and took my phone.

"Shiyaaa! I'm late! " ~ me

My eyes are widened when I saw the time. It's already 7:36! Our class starts at 8:00 AM. Oiiiii! Kiminea will report me to Mom again. Why Adrian didn't woke me up? Oiiii!

I hurriedly changed my clothes without taking a bath. And I ran as fast as I could.

*in school*

I came in at the other door of the room.  I sneakily crawled in at the back of my classmates. When Kiminea looks at the back, she saw me crawling.

"Don't look at me" ~ me

"You'll be dead *😝" ~ Kiminea

"Pssh, listen to Mr. Peterson" ~ me

"Why are you late?" ~ Mr. Peterson

"Uhh, sorry sir " ~ me

I took a glance at Kiminea.

"Pfft" *laughing silenty* ~ Kiminea

I sat down on my desk and listened to the discussion.

*quarter past lunch break*

I was done eating. I was about to enter into the classroom then I heard my classmates, on their seats,talking about something .

"Did you guys wondered? Kiminea and Maxus have the same surname? " ~ Jude

"Uhh, maybe it's just a coincidence " ~ Andrew

I really don't hang out with these guys. But I don't want them to know about Kim and I so I put my arms around their shoulders.

"Hey! What are you doing right now? " ~ me

"It's strange. Why are you talking to us like we're close to you?" ~ Andrew

"It's just... I feel like I want someone to hang out with " ~ me

"Really? " ~ Andrew

"Yes" ~ me

Kiminea's POV,

I was going to go inside the classroom then I saw Max talking with Jude and Adrian, like they don't have any conflicts at their pasts.

"You're good at talking huh? " ~ Jude *crossing his arms like he doesn't trust him *

I just came into the room without looking at them. I walked into my seat while heads down. I'm a shytype person. I don't want to walk with my head is up. It's uncomfortable for me.

I sat down on my seat and read a book to kill my boredom. I remembered that I didn't do my mission yet

*flashback from 2 days ago*

"For your first mission, put some black ink inside your brother's liquid eraser"

*end of the flashback*

It's quite easy for me to do it. Just wait and see.

I saw Max sat down on his chair. So I walked towards him and stood in front of him.

"What do you want? " ~ Max *arms crossed*

"Can I borrow your liquid eraser?" ~ me

"Pssh"*rolling his eyes and taking a nap* "Mhm, acting so smart but doesn't have any erasers. Are you a student or not?" ~ Max

"I'm not good at doing mistakes 😝"  ~ ne

"Oii! Never mind" ~ Max

I brought with me my black ink. I went to the restroom and did my mission. I handed Max his black liquid eraser back.

Maxus's POV,

After I took a nap, I look at my seatmate, Cyber. Did his mother loves technology? Why did they come up with this name?

"Hey Cyber" ~ me

I called him but he didn't respond.

"Hey" *pinching his arm*

"Oii! It hurts. " ~ Cyber

"Hey Cyber, are you done with your assignment? Let me borrow your notebook first" ~ me

"Who the heck is Cyber? You said you recorded me when I told you my name but you can't pronounce it? I'm not Cyber, I'm Zypher" ~ Zypher as what he said

My body suddenly jumped when Kim put the eraser at my desk.

"You made me die for a second" ~ me

"Oii! Sorry Max. I didn't know you are shocked when I gave you this back" ~Kim

"It's okay. Just go back to your seat okay? " ~ me

"Fine *smiled*" ~ Kim

"Hey Cy... Zypher, let me borrow your notebook" ~ me

"Sure" *lended me his notebook


After a few minutes, I felt dizzy. I noticed that I wrote the wrong answer. So I took my liquid eraser.

Shiyaa Kim. You tricked me! Ahhh

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