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My name is Mckayla Chinyama Queen.
If you're reading this then you enjoyed my little catfish description of the book..meow.

This is one of my MPs (MAIN PROJECTS-check out my profile for more details) thus I'm dedicating most of my time to this book which means yeah.. Frequent updates! -unless communicated otherwise.

If you're reading this before June 15th 2020 then you're gonna have to chill for it.

I'm finishing my exams then so that's when this book will commence.

You can add it to your reading list while you wait, June 15, 2020 ain't that far.

Alright, so if you like this book please vote and comment, I honestly get more interest to update a book quicker when I see it has a lot of traffic and I need to feed my hungry readers so please do like wise.

This Book deals with struggles, harsh realities and promising redemption and of course love.


Copyrighted material ©

No part of this material may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or in any way, whether digitally or mechanically which includes photocopying or recording without the written permission of the publisher before hand.

This however can be exempted in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and other ways in terms of non commercial uses allowed by copyright laws.

For permission requests write to the author in private messaging.

This book is purely original.
NO ONE is allowed to STEAL my plots, ideas or story line.

IF you have seen someone passing off my work as their own on a different site, DO NOT hesitate to send me a PM with a link.

If you happen to find things you don't like on this book, I'm truly sorry but it is what it is.

Thanks again.

Mckayla chinyama queen.

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