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My friend, you run too fast.


I tried to call out your name but you weren't looking back. A bright grin is still plastered on your face. Wait for me please.


I am slowly loosing my breath, please stop running.

My body decides to give up and fall down.


The little Chenle ran back to where his friend lay.


The little Chenle started to weep and scream for his mother to hear him.

Few moments later, both if their mothers are running to retrieve the 5 year olds.

"What happened here? Oh my goodness Yan!"

The little Chenle continues to cry as his friend is being lifted to be brought back to their home.

The little Chenle clinged to his mother, with that his mother lightly clutched his hand to help him calm down as they were walking in a quick pace to help the fainted Yan.

Flourishing / Zhong Chenle of NCTWhere stories live. Discover now