The ancient rickety bus trundled on down an uneven, stone littered dirt path, kicking up clouds of mud and dust; trees, thick, towering and tall shrouding the sun rays with a layer of darkness. The make-shift road was full of pot holes and the bus jerked along as the strong, rubber tyres fought not to become relentlessly punctured. What was once bright yellow paint work was now faded and chipped. revealing the rusted under-layer of the once youthful vehicle. A light breeze would even be enough to flake the remaining paint work to the base coat beneath. In short, it was an atrocity. Years of botch work and patching up and breakdowns, and still, the college, who made billions each year, would not replace something as simple as a bus.
Chattering of college students filled the bus, some complaining about how tattered the interior was.
Miss Eaton sighed as she looked down and fiddled with the frayed ends of the seat cover she was on. It was dirty, filled with years of use and grime. Sponge filling spilled out of the hole and instead of being white, it was now a brown, yellow mix of filth. She grimaced and sat back in her seat, sighing again. The trip had been at least three hours already. She was desperate for the bathroom, and though there was a toilet on the bus, she decided against it. That thing was probably riddled with all kinds of dirt and disease. There was no way she was subjecting herself to that, though she did have to cross her legs and take in a deep breath to try and compose herself.
"Ezra, how long do we have left?", she asked, looking at the dark haired man, desperately hoping they would be there soon. The rocky, bumpy road was making her feel more and more like she was about to wet herself.
"About ten minutes of dirt trail", he said with a cool tone, "You know the toilet has been cleaned right? I know how you are with germs and dirt, so I made sure I bleached the whole thing so you don't pick up some 'unearthly disease', as you would put it". He cocked his head and grinned at her, his silver eyes taunting her for a second, before focusing back on the road.
"Oh, now you tell me?!", she chided. "My bladder feels ready to pop and you leave it till I'm about to involuntarily release the flood gates?".
"It wouldn't be any fun if I didn't tease you sis", he laughed.
"Don't call me that Ezra", she said in a loud whisper, a brief flash of worry in her emerald eyes. "I have to remain professional in front of the students, as much as I hate it. She looked around the bus and then whispered, "My superiors are here".
"I saw. They're uptight", sighed Ezra, running a hand through his jet black hair. "You'd think with the tons of money they make, they'd actually replace this old rusted thing. I mean look at the state of it".
"I know", said the woman in disdain, crossing her arms and looking at the withered interior once more. "I've appealed a few times, you know I have, but they don't seem to care. They say to me, 'As long as it still drives, we'll run it in to the ground. I just hope it makes the journey back. It smells like it's ready to overheat".
"My concern exactly. Now go use the bathroom, you're bobbing up and down like a fat kid on a pack of sweets", ordered the man, gesturing with this head to the small stall.
"Don't be so rude", frowned the woman as she unstrapped her seat belt and stood up, "I'm not fat, nor a child, and I find that offensive to all the chubbier children out there. Let them eat their sweets in peace".
"Just go pee sis", he sighed, gaining an eye roll from the woman as she walked over to the stall and slammed the door shut.
She came back with a look of disgust and sat down.
"Happy now?", he asked, noticing her presence in his peripheral vison.
"I could smell the bleach, but it still wasn't enough to mask the smell of years old grossness", she gagged. "Oh well, at least I'll be able to shower when we get to the resort, which I got to pick, might I add", she smiled.
Story prompt project
RandomThis is a list of prompts a friend and I came up with. Please be aware that some of these stories will be horror themed, contain strong language, sexual content, gore, LGBTQ+ content etc.... Please do not copy or distribute my work. It takes a long...