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Christmas Eve

There was a huge party at Alex Edward's house, it was his engagement ceremony to Evelyn Okeke. Everyone was delighted–well, mostly everyone, but little did they know that disaster would strike.

Evelyn was in the midst of her friends when she had gotten a text from an unknown number, she excused herself, walking away to see the content of the message.

I know your secret, I am waiting in your room, come meet me there, or Alex will find out about everything.

Her heart throbbed. She expected this maybe not exactly this, but something close. This crazy psychopath would not let her be. She inhaled, and wiped away invisible sweat from her head. This had been going on for weeks now.

No need to panic, just a jobless fool who wants to get some money off me, I better take care of this and return to Alex.

She thought and proceeded up the stairs, but bumped into someone before she could start climbing.

“Here is the new fiancée!” Funmi screamed, teeth wide open in a smile that was obviously fake, with arms wide open, she hugged Evelyn. Evelyn forced a smile back and reciprocated the action. Deep down, she knew Funmi despised her. Everyone knew that, she found it funny how Funmi still acted as a friend. Evelyn knows Funmi doesn't like her and Funmi happens to know that too, yet they still acted as friends.

Funmi had always had a crush on Alex. She tried her best to hide it every time, but she wasn't fooling anyone. She had known Alex for a long time, even before he met Evelyn, Alex had broken her heart without even knowing it when he got with Evelyn.

"Hey, thank you!" Evelyn said as she pulled back. "I am just going to go get something just upstairs, in my room. Make sure you enjoy the party, see you later," She said, and started her journey upstairs, taking each step slowly as she swung her ass side to side to Funmi's face.

"Sure, go get whatever," Funmi mumbled looking back at her with a sneer on her face. She turned around and sighted Alex talking with some friends, she quickly replaced the sneer with a smile.


Alex was a handsome man. Everyone knew that and so did he. He smiled as he approached Funmi, flashing dimples that has driven many young ladies weak in the knees. Everyone found it funny how Alex couldn't see the love Funmi had for him. Well, love was indeed blind in this case.

"Hey, did you see Evelyn? Our parents want to talk to us," He said stopping three feets before her.

"She just went upstairs, I could go get her for you," Funmi said, she looked up at him through her eye lashes, getting immersed in his eyes.

"Really? Thanks, you are a life saver-"

"There is our man!" A group of young men who were around Alex's age mate called his name and waved their hand for him to come over.

"Ha-ha!" Alex laughed looking at them. "Thanks Funmi, I will be back." He walked over to them.

Funmi watched his retreating figure and gave a sad sigh. He could be hers, Evelyn didn't deserve Alex. All Alex should want or ever desire was her, Funmi. However, he never seemed to notice her. Evelyn was who he always thought about, she was and will always be a friend.

She proceeded upstairs to meet Evelyn.


Nneka, an employee in Alex's firm, came out of the bathroom and adjusted her skirt. She and Chima, a messenger in the firm, had just finished making use of one of the stalls. Chima had gone earlier, to avoid strange looks coming their way.

"Oh sorry." She gave a nervous chuckle, as she rushed past Funmi, to go downstairs were the party was being held.

"Weirdo!" She heard Funmi say behind her, but she did not care, she believed Funmi was grumpy because she didn't get a date to the party.

She got down looking around for who to talk to, she turned around and sighted Angela coming the stairs.

"Angela!" She shouted so her voice could be heard over the music that was blasting. Angela seemed to have stained her cloth because she was using her a white piece of rag to rub it clean. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, I just came from the bathroom. A stupid waiter poured wine on my dress," She said, as she wiped furiously at the stain, her brows furrowed in concentration.

"Sorry oo, are you enjoying the party?" She got a nod and a small smile from Angela. "Let me go and look for polythene bag sef, that rice would not eat itself," She said, and walked away, not waiting for an answer from Angela.

Angela watched her retreating figure, her big behind shaking with each step. "This is exactly why she keeps gaining weight," She mumbled and went back to the stain on her dress.

Suddenly a scream was heard from upstairs.

"Aargh! Alex! Alex!" The voice shouted. The DJ stopped the music immediately and everyone looked up to see Funmi panting heavily. "It is Evelyn, she is dead!"



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