Chapter.2 How He Copes dRuG aBuSe

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  I do not own Pokemon nor do I own any songs or media used in this fanfiction. This includes the quotes I will post with each chapter.

(Song to this chapter Crocodile Skin by Cepheid)

   Green's temper was about to flare as he dealt with yet another challenger. It wasn't their fault but he could just feel it the need the craving the itching tingling need for his relief his escape. He always lied saying the reason he left the gym closed for such long periods was cause he wouldn't fight weak trainers. However, the truth was far different it was cause he thought if he only took on challenger with seven badges already it allows time to indulge his cravings.
   However, the more he did it the less time until he needed to do it again. Green almost let out a sigh of relief when his Pidgeot knocked his opponent's last Pokemon. "Heh not even worth my time you're nowhere near strong enough to beat me." He said walking away to his office. Though it was true, it was unnecessarily cruel. His job as a gym leader should have been to help trainers grow stronger' better, and be a role model. Sadly truth was far from reality.
    When he first got offered the job he's intended to repair this gyms reputation that was in shambles. He'd hoped then his gramps would finally look at him and say "I'm proud of you Green you've come so far." But no instead the response he got was "You couldn't even stay a champion for more than an hour! How will you even maintain a gym? You'll only bring more shame to us if you fail! I wish your father hadn't died at least then I had someone to be proud of!" His own grandfather. 'No, he wouldn't think about it. Just a little bit more and the pain would be gone.'                       
   Green entered his office and slammed the door shut then locked it. He hastily opened one of the doors to his deck not caring about the paperwork everywhere. There it was in the desk a bottle of a translucent purple liquid. On the streets, it was known as Sludge. It was made from the poison sludge of Muk and the combination of Oran berries and some other chemicals.
One just had to inject it into their veins and the euphoria that followed was almost indescribable. Next to the liquid was a couple of syringes and a tourniquet.
   Green first prepped a syringe with the liquid. He pushed the air bubbles out. He then set the needle down. Before shrugging the right sleeve of his jacket off. Aging needle marks and scares and scabbing cuts littered it much like his other arm. He indulged in a lot of methods to chase away the pain. He then held his arm so it pointed down the ward exposing his inner arm. He then used his free hand grabbing the tourniquet and wraps it around his upper arm with ease. He puts an end in his teeth and pulls it taut. With his free hand, he runs a finger up his inner arm with practiced ease. Only stopping when he finds a viable one in the junction where his lower and upper arm meets. He flicks the vein making sure it rolls it does. Satisfied and knowing relief is only moments away he retrieves the syringe and carefully lines the needlepoint of with the vein. He then slowly applies pressure causing the sharp point to break through the skin and then enter the waiting vein. He then brings the plunger down and the familiar and satisfying rush enters his veins.
   It's only moments later it hits. It's like he isn't even in his body anymore. Everything just melts away leaving nothing but bliss. Though someone from the outside looking in would see the eighteen-year-old laying their slumped against the side of a desk. He isn't even there it's like there's is no physical just the sensation floating existing in complete peace. It seems to last forever only to end too soon for him. In reality, it's only a handful of hours when the high comes crashing down on him. The bliss and peace are gone replaced by an agony worse than the pain that makes him chase this high in the first place. A voice is screaming in his head more I need more. However, he not an idiot he'll overdose way to quickly if he does again this soon.
   So he pulls out a pack of smokes and a razor. He needs to numb himself. Another hand full of hours later Green feels he can keep himself together. In truth, he's half-drunk on whiskey missing blood and smells like an ashtray. However, it's enough to numb the pain and ache for more to a dull roar. However, he knows it won't last it never does. As he steps out of the gym locking it up for the night be looks up only to wish he was still high. A familiar Charizard is flying straight towards Pallet Town.

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