freeze frame

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a/n: i jus wanna give a huge thank you to everybody that has been reading this story, i didn't expect more than 10 views, but i have over 150 right now and that's mind blowing. i love yalls feedback and i appreciate the votes. i have a lot of ideas on what to do with the riot portion of this story (season 5 is my absolute fav) but please comment any suggestions or ideas you have and i'll try to write them in. again thank you all so much for the support and i cant wait to hear the feedback!


"he killed her, he fucking killed her!" i say to nicky, but she's too busy throwing up behind the stall door i'm leaning against.

after a moment of silence, i knock on the stall door.

"can i come in?" i ask her. i quickly hear the stall lock unclick and i fall forward, almost slamming the door into her back.

she begins hacking again, and i hold her hair up behind her head. she finally stops and slides over against the wall, her head buried in her legs.

i sit across from her with my hand on her leg. her withdraws are at peak right now and i can feel mine coming. i feel bad for lying to her, and i'm going to talk to lucy about what she did to me.

"are you going to forgive me?" i ask nicky, and she rolls her eyes.

"poussey is dead, and you care about my forgiveness? that's some fucked up prioritization you filthy brit." she says sarcastically. i honestly can't tell if she's being serious or not.

before i can respond, we begin to hear screaming coming from down the hallway. i lock eyes with nicky and we unverbally agree to check it out. i take her hand and lift her from the door, and we run out of the bathroom.

"woah what is happening?" alex asks as her and piper bump into us. we can see a bunch of inmates gathered around something, shouting.

"pipes let's go, we agreed we would stay out of trouble." alex says, taking piper a hand. piper takes a step towards the hallway and alex grunts in anger.

"are you kidding me?" she says aggressively, dragging piper away from the chaos. nicky and i of course go to investigate.

we walk over and push to the front of the crowd. daya is standing the middle with a gun pointed at the creepy CO. everybody is screaming for her to shoot him.

"everybody shut the fuck up so i can think!" she yells, and the guard begins to speak to her in spanish.

she finally snaps at him that she doesn't speak spanish, and shoots him in the leg.

"holy fucking shit" nicky says and my entire body freezes up.
it was a few weeks after i got shot at my dads show. riley and i were walking down to the tesco to get munchies food.

"how's your leg?" he asks me. this is the first time he's said anything about it since it happened. frankly, it's the first time anybody brought it up besides my dad.

"it... hurts." i say. i'm uncomfortable with the subject, and riley quickly notices and changes the subject.

we walk into the tesco and walk over to the snack isle. we were smacked as fuck and everything looked good.

we began loading the trolley with biscuits and chocolate, riley works a good job and promised to pay since i supplied the weed.

we stand at the checkout isle, and the cashier obviously knows we are high. he doesn't seem to mind, he was also around our age so i knew he would call the cops or anything.

we walk out of tesco, struggling to carry all the bags of snack we purchased. riley begins telling me a story and we begin laughing uncontrollably.

about a block from my flat, we are cut off by a man with a black hoodie. we stop laughing and look in confusion.

"give me your wallets." he yells at us, pulling out a gun and holding it to my head. i immediately begin to see that same guy at the concert, holding the gun to me. my body freezes up and i begin hyperventilating.

i reach into my pocket and throw my wallet on the ground, dropping the bags in the process. and then i fun for my life.
"are you okay?" nicky says, running through the halls trying to catch up to me. i ignore her and try to stop hyperventilating. i rush into the dorms and go to lucy.

"listen i'm fucking pissed at you but i need drugs." i beg her. she looks at me with worry then begins shuffling under her mattress. none of the guards are in the dorms so she isn't worried about being caught.

the second she pulls a small baggy out from under her bed, i hear nicky run into the dorm.

"are you fucking kidding me?" she screams. i assume she's talking to me until she lunges at lucy.

"do you want to kill him?!" she yells, pinning lucy against the wall. she snatches the bag out of her hand and throws it to the floor.

i lock eyes with the baggy, ignoring the fact that nicky is about to bitch slap lucy. before she does, she looks back at me, noticing where my attention is.

she releases lucy and picks the baggy back up. she looks at the pills for a moment, the looks back at me.

"what the fuck is going on with you?" she asks me. i'm still shaking uncontrollably, but my breathing begins to slow down.

before i can respond, the alarm sounds.

"fuck!" lucy yells, snatching the bag from nickys hand and tossing it under her mattress. the three of us drop to the floor and wait for a CO to come in.

"get up! we are in control now!" a girl says running into the dorm. lucy takes the baggy and runs out of the room.

nicky and i get to our feet, and she sits me down on a bed. she's shaking a bit too, but she's at the end of her withdrawals. i cant tell if the shaking is from my flashback or from my withdrawals setting in.

suddenly, lorna runs into the room.

"it's a real riot! they captured the guards and everything!" she says with joy in her voice. nicky looks up in confusion for a moment, then looks back at me.

"i'll be right back, just stay here and breathe, okay? and i swear to god if you go to lucy i'll kick the shit outta both of you." she warns. i nod and she runs out of the room with lorna.

i can tell that this is going to get crazy.

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