Car Crash

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"Hey, kid," Tony greeted as Peter climbed into the front seat next to him, hair dripping from the rain pouring down outside, a grin plastered over his face. Students stared at them from under umbrellas, catching a glimpse of the man behind the wheel, eyes widening as they realized who it was.

Peter pulled the door shut and Tony sped off to avoid the stares. Though the windows of the car were tinted, he still didn't want to draw more attention than he had to.

"How was your day?" Tony asked. Peter flung his backpack into the backseat after strapping himself into his seatbelt, then turned towards Tony, face lit up with excitement.

"We had an algebra test today. I think it went pretty well, though I'm not really sure, but I won't be too bummed about it if it didn't go well 'cause I tried my best. We also had this really good food for lunch. I'm not sure what it was, but it had fish in it and some mashed potatoes and it tasted delicious.

"Ned also asked me to have a movie night with him tomorrow. We're going to have a Star Wars marathon which is awesome and MJ told me about a book that she's planning on writing about rights and movements over the course of history. She's really awesome."

The kid spoke so fast that Tony barely had time to register what he was saying and he loved it. Life as a celebrity and a hero wasn't easy and it was taking its toll on him, but seeing the kid three times a week really made his day better and somehow helped him relax. Today had been a really hard day for him, filled with meetings and disapproving glances from important people as they fawned over things that Tony found boring and useless. Tony was more than grateful for the excuse to leave when he went to pick Peter up.

"Sounds great, kiddo. What did you do in Decathalon today?"

"We were talking about some elements and their properties."
"You're an expert on those. The others didn't stand a chance did they?"
Peter smiled at the compliment and shrugged. "They did really good. I tried not to answer all of them to give the others a chance to show that they know things as well, since otherwise it wouldn't be fair."

Tony's heart melted. "You're too good for this world, kid."

"That's what you keep saying."

Rain poured down hard, and Tony turned on the windshield wipers. The streets of Queens were busy, filled with people on their way back home from work or school. The red backlights of the cars in front of him were blurring on the windshield as it was covered in water.

"So what are we going to do today?" Tony asked, turning left to a less crowded street. From the corner of his eye he saw Peter shrug and stare out the window.

"Movie marathon?" he asked.

"Weren't you going to have one with Ted tomorrow?" he asked incredulously, purposefully pronouncing Peter's best friend's name wrong.

"It's Ned, Mr. Stark. And so what? Star Wars movies are the best."
"We didn't say anything about Star Wars movies. Are you really thinking about having two movie marathons on consecutive days on the same franchise? Do I need to take you to the doctor? I'll call up Cho and she'll run some neurological tests-"

"It's a classic," Peter whined. Tony glanced his way, frowning.

"You know it from the first line of the first movie to the final word of the last one! There's nothing new on the screen!"

"There's always something new on the screen! Besides, I love the movies."

"That you do. All right." Tony pulled to a stop at a red light. "We'll watch it when we get to the tower, alright?"

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