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Tony sat in the lab, waiting as Friday processed a new mix of metals for a new nanotech suit he was attempting to build. His coffee was gone cold a long time ago, but Tony did nothing to acknowledge it as he sipped out of the cup.

"Boss," Friday's voice came out of the speaker,"you're being requested in the living room."

"Tell them I'm busy," Tony mumbled back, writing down some formulas in a quick succession on his notepad.

"I'm afraid it's urgent. I believe it's best for you to get there as fast as possible."

"What's happening that's so urgent?" Tony grumbled. The voice that answered wasn't Friday's.

"Hello, Tony." Tony's blood ran cold as Obadiah's voice rang through the speakers in the room and he was up on his feet in seconds. "I'd like to get straight to the point as always, but I am quite admiring the view up here. I like what you've done with the place. Not only is everything more advanced, but. . . homey. I wouldn't have thought you to be the person to let people into your life."

Tony was sprinting out of the door, his suit closing in around him, rushing to the elevator. Obadiah's voice followed him.

"And imagine my surprise when I walk in and instead of you, I find a highschool kid sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone like he belongs here!" Tony's fear spiked to dangerous levels. Peter. Obadiah had Peter.

"He isn't too banged up so far," Obadiah continued with a chuckle. "But I suggest you come quickly and unarmed. You wouldn't want to see me put a bullet through his head would you?"

The elevator reached the penthouse floors and Tony rushed out. There, in the middle of the living room was Peter, on his knees with a gun pressed to the side of his head. Holding the gun was Obadiah. Much too alive for Tony's liking.

"Let the kid go, Obadiah!" Tony demanded, struggling to keep his voice under control. Peter seemed slightly out of it, dazed, but Tony wasn't sure if it was a drug or a hard hit. He wasn't sure which one he would have preferred.

"Tony!" Obadiah smiled. "No greeting to your old friend?"

Tony aimed his repulsor at Obadiah and steeled his voice. "Let him go now, or I'll blast your face in."

Obadiah chuckled. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'll have a bullet through the kid's head before you have the chance." His voice turned darker. "Put your hand down, and step out of the suit."

Tony hesitated for a moment, then his eyes flew to Peter's, who seemed more coherent now than several moments ago. He was still as ever on his knees, but his eyes were staring straight into Tony's, full of fear and determination. He shook his head slightly, trying to be inconspicuous, but Obadiah noticed and drove the gun harder against Peter's temple. Peter hissed, but stopped moving.

"You have three seconds," Obadiah warned. Tony remembered that usually this was the point one would click the safety off. He noticed that on Obadiah's gun it had never been on in the first place. He was planning on shooting someone fast.

"Three . . . two. . ." Obadiah started and hurriedly Tony stepped out of the suit. Obadiah wasn't someone to fool around with, especially when it was his kid at risk.

"Obie, please," he begged. "You can have me, you can have anything you want, just let the kid go."

"Giving him away would be very counterproductive, actually," the man replied with a smirk. "The only thing I want, is for you to suffer."


Blood spattered onto the white leather sofas and fur carpet. Obadiah's gun leveled at Tony and his arm released Peter who fell to the floor, limp and lifeless.

Tony's entire world had come to a stop. He couldn't see anything else but Peter. He couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. Not until the kid did.

Get up, kid. Get up. Please get up. Open your eyes, get up!

"Love is weakness, Tony," Obadiah said quietly. "It leads to nothing but harm. You of all people should have been aware of it."

Tony couldn't wrench his eyes off the still form on the ground, the growing pool of blood beneath it. No, nonono, his kid couldn't be- Peter wasn't- oh God.

Rage ripped through Tony with fierceness he had never felt before. Not when he'd fought Steve and Bucky. Not when Obadiah had betrayed him the first time. Nothing was even close to the rage he felt now.

With a quick tap to his wrist, a nanotech Iron Man gauntlet formed around his hand. He leapt to the side as Obadiah attempted to shoot him and responded with a blast of his own. The repulsor burnt a hole straight through the man's chest and he tumbled to the floor, gun clattering out of his grasp. Dead.

Tony fell to his knees next to Peter and with gentle hands rolled him over. He didn't look at the place the blood was coming from. He didn't look at the blood at all.

He stared at the blank face of his kid, the stillness of his whole form. Peter never stopped talking; never stopped moving. This wasn't normal. This wasn't okay.

"Peter?" Tony whispered, propping Peter against his chest. "Peter? Hey, bud. I need you to open those eyes for me, okay? I need to know your okay, alright? The danger's gone, Obadiah is gone. You're safe. You can open your eyes now."


Tony shook Peter gently, tears pooling in his eyes. "Pete? I need you to wake up for me. I need you - I need you to talk to me. Anything. Just please, say something. Please."

Tony's shoulders shook as sobs wracked his body. Painful cries rose in his chest as he tried to revive his kid. "Peter, please," he sobbed. "I can't do this without you, kid. You're everything I have. Please. Peter. . . kid. . .

"Don't leave me."

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